CHAPTER 48: The Jail Booth [✔]

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NATHAN came over my direction, glaring at me as if I was the one who did something wrong. I bit my lower lip, before wiping away my tears, not wanting him to see me being weak and vulnerable. After all, he is not my best friend anymore.

"What's your problem?!" he asked, as if questioning me.

"Did you really come here just to ask me that?" I asked him back, my voice slightly breaking out.

"Yes. You're making a big deal out of picking colors for our booth. You are making me look like a bad person."

"Because you're being one, Nathan! Why are you acting like a jerk all of the sudden? Is this because-"

"This conversation is over."

He was about to walk away when I pulled his arm, not wanting him to go without finishing our conversation. He pulled his arms away from me, retrieving it while glaring upon my direction.

"Let go of me!"

"Nathan... Just tell why you're being like this... You were my best friend before."

"You already said it yourself. Were best friends before. It's over now, and I'm sure that you know that real reason why. I just hate being with you, Natalia."

I gulped, before nodding several times as his words slowly sink into my mind. I feel like my heart has been crumbled into tiny little pieces, and Nathan is crushing it even more each time that he will take a step away from me... Until he finally vanished out of my sight and that's when I started crying.

The next days flew so fast. I spent most of this days avoiding Nathan, still thinking of what he told me the last time that we had an argument. I can't keep on holding on and apologize for what I did if he will keep on acting like this forever. Until I realized that the next thing I knew, it was already our school festival, and we are gathered here today wearing an orange shirt along with our classmates. Turns out, it was the color that Nathan picked for our booth.

"I hate this color! It is not matching my skin tone!" Freeda complained, before Lia and Elyzz laughed at her. "What are you laughing at, huh?"

"Nothing. We just find it hilarious that your blond hair is almost matching the color of our shirts," Lia stated, before they chuckled.

Freeda glared at them, before her eyes landed on mine. I could feel like she wanted to say something, so I pretended like I didn't hear anything even though I badly wanted to laugh at their conversation. I continued to present our booth products, but then, I realized that we already ran out of foils.

"Scott... I think we ran out of foils," I stated.

"Oh... Wait. I can't leave these cakes. Nathan, my man, can you do us a favor and grab some in the stationery room?" Scott asked him, and Nathan immediately nodded.


"Thanks, man."

He is wearing a black, leather jacket, but beneath that is our orange shirt that was meant to be seen by our customers. I sighed, before watching him go without any hesitation. Maybe he hasn't change so much at all.

I continued to do my work, until I realized that Freeda is still glaring at me, maybe mad that I was the reason why Nathan leaves. If I haven't mention about the foils, he wouldn't go and leave us all. I tried to ignore it, but I just can't. Until Freeda came towards my direction, before she "accidentally" slipped and pour the glass of cold water in my shirt.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you, Natalia without H."

Freeda walked away, as if nothing happened. She didn't even bother to apologize. I clenched my fist out of irritation, not knowing what to do next. And then Scott came over towards our location, checking out what happened to me.

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