CHAPTER 31: Boy Friends [✔]

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“HI, Nat.”

“S-Scott...” I trailed off, stuttering by just saying his name.

         He sat down on the opposite side of the table, smiling at me from ear to ear. When I didn’t say another word, he took a deep breath, before doing anything. Actually, I’m not yet ready to talk to him. And besides, he suddenly came here so I’m literally unprepared.

“Would you mind looking at me?” he asked, so I did looked up to him.

        I’m being shy for what I did and being hurt at the same time when I remembered what happened down the hallway of our school. Though I couldn’t even blame him for doing that to me. I mean, it’s my fault, I guess. So maybe I deserved it.

“Look, Nat. I’m very sorry for screaming at you the last time... I shouldn’t have let anger get in the way of our friendship... And also, I shouldn’t have taken it out on you...”

         He tapped my hand on the table, and that’s when I got some courage to face him again, and I saw him smiling at me.

“Would you forgive me, Nat?” he asked.

“Scott... Of course I will... And I’m sorry... I should have stick to our plan. I mean, I should’ve helped you instead of Becca...”

“That wasn’t your fault, Natalia. I know you just wanted our squad to remained as before... You’re so selfless.”

            I looked down, feeling guilty. He knew me very well just like Nathan. They can pretty much read my mind, and sometimes I was wondering if we have some kind of secret connection or a telepathic ability.

“I’m sorry... I just thought that maybe if Becca got what she always wanted, everything will stay the same as before... I don’t want to hurt you intentionally, Scott.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know that. That’s what I like about you...”

          I smiled at him, and I did the same.

“So we are still friends, right?” I asked.

“Of course. I’ll never regret helping you out that day when Tyler hit you with a ball on your face... Not yet, and I guess I will never.” He lightly laughed.

“Thank you, Scott. Thank you for being my friend.”

            He winked at me, and I chuckled. I guess that is how Scott and I pretty much reconciled with each other. It doesn’t need to be as emotional as I imagined, just a simple apology and a gratitude for meeting each other is already more than enough. I’m glad that this issue finally ended so well between the both of us. Now Nathan is the only one who should talk to Scott now.

         After a few more moments, Nathan arrived, holding two tray of foods. One for mine and one for him. Scott looked up to him, before avoiding his gaze. I could see that Nathan wants to say something even though he’s still shocked, he just couldn’t. Scott already stood up, looking at me before bidding his farewells.

“Bye, Nat. See you later.”

“Wait... You don’t have to leave yet,” I stated.

         He just shook his head, still ignoring Nathan before waving his hands on me. I wanted to stop him, but I don’t want to push my luck for today. I don’t want him to be mad at me again. And for now, I don’t want to force him to stay if he’s not yet ready to talk to my bestfriend.

         After he vanished from our sight, Nathan stare down at me, looking like he feel betrayed or something for I already reconciled with Scott.

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