CHAPTER 28: The Kiss [✔]

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        WE are now at the Cafeteria, eating lunch with the whole squad. Everything is normal, I guess. Becca is now talking to us and she’s even being kinder to me than before. I mean, this is what I wanted, right?

         Even if it was against Nathan and Scott’s plan, I decided to closed the deal between me and Becca and help her instead of Scott. I even quit in the drama club and decided to be just a normal student with no clubs being joined in.

          Thankfully, Nathan and Scott didn’t notice anything unusual about my recent action for they thought that I’m just being a lazy person as I was for not memorizing the script and quiting the play. I even anonymously recommended Becca to our adviser as an replacement to my role and as Nathan’s partner.

“I have an announcement to make!” Becca squealed, tapping her glass using some stainless spoon.

“What is it?” Scott asked, looking so excited.

         Well I hope he enjoy disappointments for I already knew what Becca is going to tell to the rest of our squad. She’ll probably gonna tell us that she got the role in replacement of mine.

“I got Natalia’s abandoned role! I mean, can you believe it? The adviser of the drama club chose me out of all people!” she burst out in joy.

          I secretly shook my head, seeing how she’s overreacting for a thing that we already planned a long time ago. More like a week, I guess.

“Whoah... That’s amazing! Congratulations!” Scott stated, before shaking Becca’s hands, making himself blush.

          Nathan looked at my direction, as if asking me what’s this or if I knew something. I just avoided his eyes, looking away for I’m afraid that he’ll caught us. Besides, I can still remember Becca’s exact words when we are at the top of the building. Nathan likes me... Or maybe she just told me that so I’ll give them some space together.

“I will be your partner, Nathan. Isn’t that wonderful?”

“Yeah, it is,” Nathan blankly stated.

        From the corners of my eyes, I saw how Scott frowned after hearing those words. Nathan signaled something to him... Something that Becca and I couldn’t understand. Boys often do that, I guess. They have their own way of telling secrets to each other. Scott just nodded, before shutting his mouth up.

          Just before I knew it, the bell already rings and Nathan and I are now walking towards our respective classroom, same as Becca and Scott. Nathan nudged me before saying anything. When I didn’t bulge even just a little bit, he open his mouth and started to ask me some random question.

“You shouldn’t had quit, Nat. I mean, we are already starting to memorize the lines and stuffs. And do you know about Becca replacing you thing? I mean, if you do, you’ll probably didn’t quit, haven’t you? Scott will be heartbroken again because of this.”

        I didn’t answer him. Instead, I just continued walking down the hallway until we reached our classroom. There, I finally got some peaceful time for myself away from all of Nathan’s interrogating questions.

          The next thing I knew, it was already the most awaited day for all the members of drama club. The day when they could finally act their heart out by doing that play. Everyone looks excited, specially our friends.

           Becca is looking very stunning by her outfit, same as my bestfriend. They look so good together, that everyone will envy their looks, I guess. Well what I mean by everyone is literally everyone... Including me.

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