CHAPTER 25: The Rumors [✔]

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         TODAY is the day I’ve waiting for. The first game of the sports club. The chosen sport for this week is basketball, where Nathan and Scott will be participating in the same team. The opposing team is leaded by Tyler, of course, as well as Liam and Jake, the new kid.

         Before the game started, I’ve already heard a lot about some rumors spreading here in Jackson High. The top one trending news is still the same as before... Freeda and Tyler’s break up.

        Not that I care nor concern about them, it’s just that it’s becoming more and more bothering to think how many times they broke up and came back to each other. I mean, how can they still trust each other after all those things that happened into their relationship? Or is there even a thing like that between the both of them? Because believe me, I’ve seen how Freeda is treating Tyler these past few days. It was like they’re just using the name of each other for popularity or fame... Meaning that their relationship is just a fraud... Something just for the show.

        The second rumor was a bit concerning to me and to our squad, for Becca and Scott both entangled themselves into it. Someone took a picture of them “dating” if that’s what you call it in the nearby coffee shop from our school. That photo is all over the internet, and someone even captioned it with the words, “the lovebirds.”

         Nathan and I are just so thankful that whoever that photographer was, he or she didn’t saw nor caught our almost kissing moment. I’m pretty sure that if someone took a photo of that scene, then it would become an instant hit to the students here in Jackson high specially to those ones who are addicted to gossiping about other people’s lives.

          Scott wasn’t even a bit affected about it, though I could see and it was obvious that he’s worrying about Becca, who in the other hand, hated the news with all of her will power to do so. Maybe Scott is thinking that if Becca find it awkward to stay around him, she wasn’t going to hang out with our squad anymore. Though I found that very impossible to happen for Becca is still drowned by my bestfriend’s charm.

            Becca, as I’ve stated earlier, is looking very annoyed by that rumor that she almost break her phone by throwing it across our classroom right after seeing the photo of her and Scott on her Facebook feed. Well, that was a bit harsh to Scott. Is he that unlikeable to her?

          Before I discuss the last and final rumor, let me tell you one thing before anything. These rumors are the ones I’m often hearing whenever I walked down the hallway of the school buildings. I’m not sure if these are the top trending news or updates about Jackson High.

          So back to the story after proving myself not guilty of spreading nonsense rumors... The last one is about the like girl Elyzz. Remember that guy named Jake Echarri? The sweet transferee who became Tyler’s subordinate for having a same club together... Music club, to be specific. That handsome guy is now dating Elyzz... And I don’t know what he saw in her.

           Not being rude or what but... Elyzz was like... I mean, I rather date someone more annoying like Becca sometimes rather than that “like girl.” She’s pretty, yeah. But a pretty face who comes with a foul personality is much like having a brand new car without any tires... It’s useless, I guess.

“Cheer for me later, Nat!” Nathan stated enthusiastically.

“Me too!” Scott stated.

“Sure... I will, even if I’m not a part of the cheer leading squad,” I joked.

“Hey, Natalia is supposed to cheer me! I mean, only me! You should ask Becca to cheer you too!” Nathan complained, acting like a child like he always does.

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