CHAPTER 22: The Clubs [✔]

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        NOW that we are sophomores, we could finally join in the different clubs for our grades in extra curricular activities. If in our freshmen days some groups started to be formed, now it was worst. I mean, whoever got into the same clubs as you, they are going to be your friends. And what I mean by that is you have to stick with them during the whole year for clubs often organize some school activities.

           Nothing in the list of clubs suites my taste. I mean, I like dancing, though I can still remember what happened the last time I tried to participate in this kind of activity. Becca snatched my moment, and I don’t want that to happen again. I mean, I’m sure she’s going to choose to be a part of the dance club. So I’m not going in there.

         The cheer leading squad. More like another dance club, I guess. It was just mixed with using your loud voice and some props like pompoms and mini skirts. Freeda, Lia, and Elyzz got into that club so there is no way that I’m going to list my name next to them.

         Tyler got into two clubs, only making me out of those clubs for I don’t want to be in any club same as him. He got the sports club and music club, not that I’m interested in his recreational activities. But it was just so surprising that Tyler, the bad boy of Jackson High is going to sing in front of all people.

        Going into the music club is really tempting, for I saw some new students in there. Jake Echarri, a sweet and handsome guy from another village. I mean, he’s really cute by just standing there and doing apparently nothing, so what more if he sings you a song, right? Though I don’t want to brought a storm to our school and I can’t also play any instruments so I guess that the music club is not really meant for me.

        Scott got into sports club, and Nathan, being a stubborn guy as he is, joined into two clubs, probably trying to show off to us, to the rest of our squad. He chose sports club like Scott, and the most hated club of all students... Drama club.

         I nearly laughed hearing about Nathan joining in there, though an ideas suddenly flooded into my mind. Maybe, just maybe, if I will choose the most hated club of all, then I will be finally able to follow the rule number one on my manual which is to stay low-key. Kids joining the drama club are the ones who doesn’t even paid any attention to any other clubs except their own. And besides, Nathan is there so I guess it wouldn’t be so bad joining in.

          So that’s how I pretty much got my club. I’m now officially part of the drama club. Just thinking about that is  really making me laugh out loud. But I chose to remain calm, for we are now at the Cafeteria, eating lunch with the whole squad.

“Imagine, I joined two clubs... In that way, I wouldn’t waste any single seconds of my time...” Nathan bribe up.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever, Nathan. I wanted to focus on sports specially basketball so I joined in the sports club. And Nathan is there too, so I guess it would be fun,” Scott lengthy explained.

“You guess it right, brother!” Nathan tap his shoulder.

“How about you, Nat?” Scott asked me.

          I gulped, before drinking my orange juice on the table. I cleared my throat before answering him, as if adding a suspense to my response.

“Drama club?” It came out foul, seems like I’m so unsure about my chosen club.

“Drama club? With Nathan?” Becca asked, her brows almost touching in confusion.

“Yeah? I mean... I’m not good at anything so I chose the worst club here, they said...”

        Becca nodded, before I caught her secretly rolling her eyes over me. I wanted to confront her, and demand what’s her problem about me was, but then, I don’t want to ruin the happy lunch mood in here so I guess I’ll just shut my mouth up for now.

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