CHAPTER 27: Asking Another Favor [✔]

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        IT’S been a week since that accident happened. The accident where Nathan sprained his ankle. But thankfully, he’s fine right now. I mean, he can’t still play basketball or any vigorous activities. So for now, he’s just focusing more on school and in the rehearsals of the drama club.

“Everyone! Pay attention! This is one of the biggest play that our drama club ever conducted. So I want you to focus on your roles and start memorizing your script,” our adviser stated.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

         The members of the club suddenly walked towards the different directions, getting the copy of their script as they started memorizing their lines. Nathan and I sat down in the corner, me looking at his sprained ankle.

“Are you sure you’re alright now?” I asked.

“Uhm, yeah. I’m fine. Don’t worry. The doctor said that I can participate in this drama for I’m just sitting for the whole duration of the play.”

          I nodded, before getting the script. I read the first line, before remembering Becca. I didn’t saw her ever since that time that Nathan and I was shocked seeing her barged into the infirmary of our school. I haven’t saw her walking in the hallways, nor in the girls’ locker room. She’s often missing in our classes, and I can’t help but to wonder why. Sometimes I’m starting to blame myself as I feel guilty for letting her saw that thing...

         Speaking of guilty, that applies to Tyler as well. Scott told me that he haven’t gone to their home ever since last week, when I punched him straight in his face... And told him about that certain thing. I don’t know that it could affect him in that way... I mean, I shouldn’t have told him that, just like what Scott said for it was a very sensitive topic for him.

“Hey, are you okay, Nat?” Nathan asked, waving his hands in front of my face.

        I looked at him. He’s still clueless about everything that happened these past few days. He’s been absent so I highly doubt that he already knew about what I did to Tyler. That issue probably already subsides even before his sprained ankle healed. And about Becca, he isn’t paying any attention towards her so I guess he wasn’t thinking about that issue also.

“Yeah. I’m just... You know, thinking about some stuffs.”

“Like what?”

“Nothing, Nathan. Let’s just practice for our roles.”

“Sure... I guess so.”

           Before I could say another word, our adviser looked around, walking in front of us before saying one familiar name that instantly caught both of me and my bestfriend’s attention.

“Where is servant number two? Ms. Becca Valle?” she called out.

         Nathan and I looked at each other, both dumbfounded. I know what he’s thinking right now. Maybe Becca doesn’t want to join in this play anymore because she doesn’t want to see us... And she can only fulfill that mission of her by avoiding the both of us.

“I’m here! I’m sorry, I’m late!”

          We averted our eyes towards her direction whom just entered into the theatre room. She’s panting, like she’s been running the whole day. Suddenly, our adviser let her do her job just like that and Nathan and I finally decided to continue practicing.

“Do you think she’s still mad at us?” I asked Nathan.

“I don’t know... Maybe, because she hadn’t greeted us yet.”

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