CHAPTER 34: Their Final Speech [✔]

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         TODAY is the last day of the campaign for the student council election. Later on, the candidates for the position of president will have their final speech before the election day tomorrow. Well, it was just Nathan and Freeda for no one wanted to join except of them. Maybe because of one main reason... They are afraid of Freeda. I’m glad that Scott and I pursued Nathan to build our own party list. If not, then Freeda’s whole group will win by default.

“Are you ready?” Scott asked to my bestfriend.

“Damn! I’m so nervous. I mean, why do I even joined in this activity? You two should be the one to talk on that stage later on,” Nathan complained.

“Nat, don’t worry. We are just in the backstage if ever that you needed help. We are here to support you.”

         He sighed harshly, before picking up the remaining pieces of flyers on his desk.

“Let us just roam around and distribute these to the students.”

“Sure, sure, Mr. President,” Scott teased.

“Shut up if you don’t want me to make you eat this flyers, Scott.” It was Nathan, plastering a mad expression on his face.

“Sorry...” Scott stated, secretly laughing at Nathan’s frustration.

           I widen my eyes towards his direction. I don’t want them to fight again. I mean, I know that Nathan could do it. He’s just panicking, that’s why... And Scott, he’s always making fun of everything and I already knew him pretty well so I’m not being affected by his silly jokes anymore.

          To ease Nathan’s frustration, I held his hand, hoping that this one simple action will make him feel better.

“What now?” he looked at me, raising one of his brows.

         I instantly let go of his hands out of embarrassment. I guess his not up for this kind of support and comfort from me. I looked down, feeling awkward.

“Nothing... I just thought that maybe it would help you... I guess not.”

         I was about to walk away from him when he grabbed my hand, making me stop. When I turned around to look back at his direction, he pulled me closer, giving me a gentle hug.

“H-Hey...” I muttered under my breath.

“Sorry... I’m just so nervous.”

        I heard him sighed, and I just smiled to myself before looking up at him, slightly pulling away from his embrace.

“Don’t be... I know you can do this.”

           I flashed my sweetest smile towards him, and that made him blushed for apparently no reason. He then pulled me along side with him, as we continued to distribute our campaign materials. He didn’t bother to let go of my hand ever since then, and I just let him do it for I’m also enjoying this little set up of ours.

           Until that time came. The time where the candidates are going to say their final words before the election day and their final chance to convince the students to vote them for their chosen position.

          Scott and I didn’t know that we should stay upstage too just to present ourselves and to show support to our president. Because we are both unprepared, I keep on biting my nails out of nervousness. Same as Scott, who are now practicing his two minutes speech.

“This is karma,” Nathan stated, laughing at Scott who are now currently glaring at him. I guess the joke is on him now... Well, more like us.

“Damn...” I whispered. Again, I broke the rule number ten on my manual. I cursed.

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