CHAPTER 24: Helping A Friend [✔]

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“REALLY? You two are going to help me?” Scott asked for a hundred times, still unbelievable to the fact that Nathan and I decided to help him get Becca.

“Yeah. Natalia told me about you asking for her help. You know, I was pretty much disappointed when you didn’t ask me first. Though after a few days, I just realized why not me... It’s because of Becca, isn’t it?” Nathan lengthy asked.

“Uhm... Yeah. You know, Becca likes you so much... And I don’t know how you feel about her so I chose to tell Natalia instead...”

“Sorry, Scott. I’m sorry if I told Nathan about it. I just... I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore...” I apologized.

“It’s alright. Now I got more hands than I needed. Thank you, Natalia. And thank you, Nathan.”

“You’re always welcome...”

        Nathan smiled at him, before tapping his shoulder. I was about to say something when the three of us heard a familiar voice, causing us to stop and shut our mouths up.

“Hey! What’s up, guys?” Becca asked, walking towards our direction.

“We are fine. We were just talking about some stuffs like... You know, it’s not important at all,” Nathan stated.

“Yeah...” Scott seconded.

“Things like what?” Becca nagged them, before sitting beside Nathan.

          The four of us are sitting peacefully at one rectangular table, Nathan and Becca sitting beside each other while Scott and I sat on the opposite side of the table. After a few minutes, we remained quiet, before I look at Becca’s direction.

          She is staring at my bestfriend at the moment, before Scott nudged me a little bit. I looked up to Nathan, trying to signal him about what’s Scott been telling me about. He nodded, before standing up.

“Scott, I feel uncomfortable here on my seat. Would you mind changing our seats?”

“S-Sure...” Scott stated, blushing.

         I wanted to laughed at his cute reaction. He walk towards Becca, who’s now rolling her eyes towards my direction. Scott is currently scratching his nape, out of embarrassment, I guess. Though as he sat down, I saw how glad he is having Becca by his side.

“Much better...” Nathan stated, sighing.

          Becca keep glaring at me, so I was left with no choice but to walked away from that place. I mean, to get some food for myself. I haven’t eaten nor ordered my food yet for I’m still waiting for Becca to come in here, at our school Cafeteria. This is for our squad to have a complete members during lunch. I’m not as insensitive as Nathan not to wait for someone, you know.

“Excuse me, I’ll just go and grab some food,” I excused myself.

“Sure,” Scott answered.

“Want me to come with you?” Nathan asked, only making Becca’s glares to intensify at me.

“No. I’m fine, Nat. Thanks for the offer,” I refused.

“Sure. Anytime.”

         As I stood up, I heard Becca’s voice, only making me close my eyes shut out of frustration. I knew it, she’ll follow me to confront or something.

“Excuse me, guys. I’m just gonna go and grab some food for me too,” she stated.

“Oh. Want me to–” Scott statement was cut short by another one of Becca’s lame statement.

Natalia's High School Manual [COMPLETED ✔]Where stories live. Discover now