CHAPTER 33: The Cheaters [✔]

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         THREE weeks before the official end of classes for this school year, and two weeks for the student council election day. Our schedule became a hectic one, and only now that I realized the real meaning behind of the word “busy.”

         Campaigning for the election and putting up the needed requirements for our finals wasn’t as easy as I thought before. I should have known better. I mean, if only I knew that our teachers are going to give us tons of homeworks and projects at the end of this quarter, then I shouldn’t have signed up for being a candidate in this coming election.

           But even so, I’m not regretting this decision. Scott, Nathan, and I are having a blast together, and I could say that we are enjoying the stress and pressure that this activity is causing into us. We never been so busy before, and testing ourselves to the limits is a good thing, I guess. It will help us to become a better version of ourselves.

          Another thing was the campaigning method. The three of us couldn’t think of a new way or a unique strategy to put on to the students so that they will help us win in this election. But thankfully, Scott and Nathan got some bright brains so I don’t have to sweat that much about this activity.

“After printing some flyers and posters, we are going to put in on all over the walls of this school... And then, how about we wear our own party list T-shirts?” Nathan suggested.

“That was pretty good! In that way, students, specially the freshmen could recognize us from the other team,” Scott stated.

“Brilliant. I’ll help you up in printing some flyers later on.”

“Nathan and you will do it later, Nat. I’m just gonna go and find a shop with a lowest cost for printing our shirts.”

        That’s when I remember that I don’t have an extra penny for the printing of our party list’s shirts. I looked down, thinking of some other way where I could get the money that we needed.

“Hey...” Nathan poked me in the cheeks. “I got you, don’t worry about spending anything...” He smiled at me and I did the same.

“Thanks, Nathan. I know I can count on you. I promised I’ll pay you later on...”

“You don’t have to,” he refused.

“Hey you two! You’re so bad! I’m being left out in here!” Scott complained.

“Sorry,” I apologized.

“Don’t worry about the shirts. I got this... I’ll pay for everything.”

“Really? Thanks a lot, Scott.”

“You’re welcome!” He winked at me.

“Hey! I was the one who offered you a free shirt first!” Nathan complained.

“Yeah, I know. But Scott wanted to pay for all of us. Including yours.”

         I tapped Nathan’s shoulder and he rolled his eyes towards Scott, making me laugh. After planning out what to do after our classes, we started roaming around the school for our first day of campaign.

        We got nothing much to do. We just have to put on a sweet smile on our faces while handling the students some flyers that we printed earlier. It’s going really nice, I guess. But not until Freeda and her members came into the view.

          Freeda is running for the position of president, Lia for vice, and Elyzz for the secretary. I’m pretty much nervous about it, thinking how can I supposed to win over that “like girl” Elyzz. But I guess I just need to face my fears. There is no turning back right now.

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