CHAPTER 38: Get Even [✔]

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ANOTHER day passed by. Before going to our office, I decided to fix myself first in the girl's comfort room. Besides, I don't what to do any girly stuffs in the student council office because I'm sure that Nathan and Scott will surely tease me about it. I'm that type of a student that never cares about how the way I look before. But I guess that everyone change, and no one could stop that. My Mom said that it's a part of growing up too. I guess I won't be forever "that" boring Natalia Carter.

I smiled to myself, thinking about Nathan's plan to help our friend Scott, get Becca once again. We miserably failed last year, and he learned his lessons now, I guess. So this year, we are going to make sure that we will succeed, one way, or another. I think it's just okay to failed sometimes. As long as we are here to support Scott's decisions, I know that we can do it and nothing could go wrong. Hopefully, we will eventually succeed and our squad will be whole once again.

As I was setting a powder on my face, I heard a thud of someone's shoes walking towards my direction... Plural, to be specific... Girls' shoes. And their evil laugh... I instantly knew who's squad it was... It was Freeda's. I know it because I could repeatedly hear the word "like" which is the favorite term of Elyzz, one of their group's member.

I quickly entered into one of those cubicle, hiding for I knew that I could probably get some information by eavesdropping to their little conversation. Even though I know that it could be nonsense at all, I still want to hear it... Hoping that it was all about me. I wanted to know what they think about me when I couldn't hear them... While I wasn't around the place. They can already say bad things in front of my face, so what more if they are talking behind my back.

"You know what, guys? I could feel that Becca is slowly getting away from us," Freeda stated.

"Yeah, like, your cousin was like, she was surely like what our queen is talking about. Like she was starting to spend more alone time rather than, you know, being with us. Like, duh... Lia, please tell her that if she like, you know, wanted to be an official part of our squad, she needs to be like, you know... Consistent, I guess." It was Elyzz, emphasizing the word "like" in each of her statement.

I heard Lia sighed, before speaking. I know for a fact that she doesn't want to be talk through about her cousin, because Becca never got the popularity that she have ever since the beginning. She just started to look cool when Lia and their little witchy squad, Freeda, sort of adopted her... Pulling her away from her original circle of friends... Us.

"I don't even care about that cousin of mine, Elyzz... I mean, why did we even let her join our group? It was nonsense."

"Simply because I wanted to avenge myself from that Natalia girl... I mean, she took literally everything from me. Tyler... The election. Everything."

"Tyler? But I thought that you and Tyler are already starting to be together again? I mean, he chose you, after all that's happen... And he even explained himself about what happened between Natalia and him. It was just a total misunderstanding."

"Yeah. But I wanted more. I just can't let their group get away with it. I wanted Natalia to feel how to lose a friend... And most of all, I wanted her to feel what I felt before when she tried to flirt with Tyler."

"Oh, my, G! I'm like, yeah, I'm so in with this thing! I can't wait to see what is going to happen to that assuming girl!" It was Elyzz's voice.

"For now, let us just wait, guys. Let's see what she's going to do if we already started the plan," Freeda firmly stated.

And with that, they all laugh like a villain in a movie. I sighed, taking some breath exercises as I waited for them to finally leave the comfort room. When they did, I decided to finally go outside, towards our school council office.

I'm still bothered by what I heard in the comfort room's cubicle. Freeda and Tyler are almost reconciled now, meaning that I couldn't befriend our school bad boy anymore because Freeda will surely get mad at me again... And about her plan, I'm starting to over think about it. What kind of plan? I mean, she wanted me to feel what she felt before. To lost someone... But who? I mean, their group already had Becca, who's not in a good hands, by the way. Apparently, it seems like they didn't care about her at all.

I was lost in my own thoughts when all of the sudden, I bumped into someone, causing me came back to my senses as soon as I can to apologize to whoever it was that I just disturbed.

"Hey!" I was surprised to see Tyler, who's now smiling at me genuinely for the very first time.

"T-Tyler..." I stammered, unable to say anything.

"Are you alright? You look like you're sick or something," he asked me.

"No, no. I'm fine. I mean, something was just bothering me five seconds ago."

"And what is that?"

"Nothing... I mean, you don't really have to know about it..."

He frowned, still staring at me. Even I, myself, didn't even like the way of how my voice sounded while saying those words. Well, it seems like I'm pushing him away, and that's not a very good manners right after he help me not to bump in something else.

"I'm... Sorry, Tyler," I stated.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" he asked, and I gulped, unable to explain things.

"I don't know... I just feel like I needed to tell you that."

"Never apologize for being honest."

He just chuckled, before messing my hair. And then without any more words, he started walking away, and I was left there, standing all alone while thinking what the heck did just happened. Did he just walk out on me to avoid the awkwardness between the two of us?

I closed my eyes shut, before taking a deep breath. I need to go now, Nathan was probably already waiting for me in the office. Scott should be there as well, I'm just not sure if Becca will join us today.

When I reached our office, I was surprised that Nathan is still the only one there. I sat down beside him, before I started to massage my temple, trying to pull off the weird things that I've heard and happened to me earlier this morning.

"Are you alright, Nat?" Nathan asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," was my short response.

"Well, you don't look like it. You seems... bothered, I guess."

"It was nothing, I promised."


"Yeah, sure."

He offered me our secret handshake, and so I accepted it to show to him that I'm just alright. After that, I gave him a little smile, just to show that everything is fine, including myself.

"Are you still in for tomorrow?"

"You mean, Scott and Becca's time?"

"Yeah, that one."

"Sure. Anything for the both of them."

"Glad to know it."

Nathan smiled at me, before he continued working on the paperwork that he's doing earlier. I sighed, before looking around the place. And then my eyes caught the glimpse of my manual. I stopped for one second, thinking another rule that I can put on into my manual. And then it felt like I've heard Tyler's voice echoing inside of my mind. And that makes rule number twenty seven, never apologize for being honest.

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