CHAPTER 41: His Tutor [✔]

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       NOW that Scott is finally back, there is only one person whom we are going to wait for... And that was Becca. The principal advised us to help the other committees in preparing our prom for this year, one thing that most of us are excited about. But yet, we can't start the meeting not until we are finally complete. So for now, the only thing that we can do was to ask Scott what really happened yesterday.

"So... What really happened, dude?" Nathan asked him.

"I don't know. Everything just went extremely fast, and the next thing I knew, I'm already confessing my feelings to Becca. But when she rejected my love for her, stating that she still likes you, I still tried my best to chase her... I mean, literally chase her."

"And what did she say?" I asked, joining into the conversation.

"She said that she can't force herself to love me back, because that was impossible. I even offered to court her, just to prove and let her feel that I really love her, but she refused it. She said that there's not even a single chance that she would likely to accept my feelings."

"Whoa. That was... Tough."

"I'm so sorry, Scott you don't deserve to feel that way," I stated, before giving him a gentle hug.

To my surprised, Nathan pulled me away from him, before showing his phone in the middle of us, making me wonder why does he need to do that. Is this text very important for him to interrupt our conversation?

"Look... Becca texted me that she can't come in here. They had a family emergency and she and Lia will be coming home to their hometown," he announced.

"Well that's a bummer. I told my mother that I will be coming home late for this meeting."

"Scott and I can handle this, Nat. You can come home now. You don't want your mother to feel worried, right?" Nathan asked me.

"Really? Thanks, Nathan."

We did our secret handshake before I started packing up my things, ready to come home and meet my mother. But as I was walking down the hallway of the school, I felt something so strange... Someone seems to be following me, and I can see it with its shadow on the floor. I walked faster, until I arrived in the nearby dark alley where I needed to be in order to come home.

"Why are you following me?!" I shouted out loud, before turning around to face the guy wearing a black mask and hood.

"Give me your money, dude," he muttered under his breath, sounding like he is high or something.

"I don't have any money..." I answered, making him glare upon my direction.

I took a step back, trembling out of fear as he slowly come over me. He was about to rushed to my current location when all of the sudden, someone arrived and immediately punched him in the face, making him flew across the roads. I screamed out of panic, before that guy ran away, leaving us behind. I badly wanted to thank the one who saved my life, so I tried to tap his shoulders using my fingers, and when he turned around, I was surprised to see who it was. It was no other than Tyler.


"Hey, Carter."

"What are you doing out here?"

"I just saved you. Can't you just thank me or something?" he asked me, being grumpy as he always was before.

"Thank you... But I can't see any reason for you to be here."

"I can't see any reason for you to be walking down in the dark streets alone as well," he firmly stated, lecturing me. "Anyways, I was just passing by."

"Sorry about that. And thank you so much, for saving me."

"Where is your bodyguard?"

"Who? Nathan? He's working with Scott for our prom."

"Really? And he let you go home alone?" he asked, before chuckling.

"He's busy, and it's not like it was his responsibility to take me home every single day, right?" I asked as if questioning him.

"Fine. Then I'll be the one to do it. From now on, I will take you home using my motorcycle every single day."


"It is not an offer that you can refuse, Nat," he answered, before pulling me towards a his motorcycle and giving me a helmet. "Come on. I'll take you home."

I just nodded, being left with nothing else to do. Ever since the night that Tyler helped me out, I became fond of him... And what I mean by that is finally, we are now in good terms. I don't held any grudges for him and vice versa. I also told to our little squad what happened that night and how Tyler saved me from a certain danger in the hands of that addict thieves. Scott and Nathan couldn't believe what they've heard at first, but still, they are very thankful that I am safe now.

"You see? Tyler is not that bad at all. He helped me out, and he even offered to take me home every single day using his motorcycle."

"And you allowed him to do that?" Nathan asked, shaking his head.

"Of course. But I only did that as a form of gratitude. How can I refuse him when he just saved my life, right?" I asked my bestfriend.

"Whatever. I'm warning you, Nat. Tyler won't do any good to you," Nathan stated, before glaring upon my direction.

"Ooops. Someone is jealous," Scott commented, making the both of us turned to look at him.

He make out a peace sign before the bell rings, interrupting our conversation. Nathan immediately leave the room, and Scott and I just shrugged our shoulders before following him towards the Cafeteria of our school. As we did, we ordered some lunch before sitting down on the same table, still wondering how will I be able to start another conversation with Nathan.

"Hey. Maybe Tyler was just joking that time. I mean, who would want to take me home and be my service everyday, right?" I asked, trying to make him feel better but to no avail.

Instead, he glared at me even more, before Scott cleared his throat, his lips pouting as if tryouts to point me towards something. I turned around, trying to figure things out and there, I saw our school bad boy once again.

"Hey. If you are wondering who would be willing to be your service every single day, then I only have one answer... Me."

"Tyler..." I stood up as I heard his voice. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Nothing... I just wanted to ask you for some favor."

"And what is it?"

"We are friends, right? Can you tutor me in Biology, please? I really need to pass this subject."

"Oh. Sure, I guess," I answered, before my eyes landed upon Nathan who is now avoiding my eyes.

"I mean... It would be really helpful for me if we will do it in a more quiet place," Tyler added, making me nod out of agreement.

And so I excused myself from Nathan and Scott, having only one place in mind... The library. Scott just nodded, but Nathan ignored me. That is why I just leave them behind, before walking towards a the library. I never thought that after receiving help from our school bad boy, I will be his tutor for a day.

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