CHAPTER 55: The Rule Of Falling In Love [✔]

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GRADUATION day. Today is the day that we all been waiting for, when we can finally be a college student... More like having another responsibilities but still, another journey where in we can proudly say that we survived high school, the most scary and unexpected part of our lives.

"Ready? Come, I can't wait to march and get my diploma on stage," Nathan stated, before attempting to touch my hair.

"Don't! Do you know how many hours my Mom spent on my hair?" I asked him, and he chuckled.

"You really wanted to look pretty, huh?"

"Of course. This is the last time that we are going to see some of our classmates. Might as well leave a good impression on them."

"Whatever. You know that no matter what happens, you will always look beautiful for me," he answered, before pinching my cheeks as he noticed that I am blushing.

I pouted, before he chuckled as he pulled me for another hug. And with that, we went straight towards our graduation program, together with Aunt Jessica and my Mom. I am smiling to myself the whole time, looking as proud as ever for my best friend, Nathan. Who would have thought that he managed to be our class valedictorian even after everything that happened to us? And also, he will be giving a speech later on.

A few hours passed by, the ceremony already started, before they called out our names, and one by one, we received our diplomas. As we finished the roll call, they called our class valedictorian to give us a speech, and of course, that is no other than Nathan.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am proudly standing here today, looking at my batch mates, my friends, and my love ones, even my teachers who gave me strength throughout the year. I wanted to thank all of you, for being a part of this journey.

"Everyone says that high school is tough, and guess what? They are never wrong. They are right. High school life maybe tough sometimes, but we will always find someone who is willing to help us out... It might be our parents, friends, or our classmates. I knew someone who is too eager to survive high school... To the point that she's setting rules for herself... But in the end, I know that there is more to her than her weird manual and loud laughs... I just hope that... She realized how much more she could be, and how much I believe in her, no matter what happened. I will always be by her side. I couldn't have done this without you, Nat," he stated, making me blushed as everyone cheered for us.

"And also, this activity won't be ending our journey... It will be just the beginning. It will be one of our stepping stone to reach our dreams, and to continue living in our adulthood... A journey who no one is ever prepared for. However, no matter how long it take us, no matter how many mistakes you made, always remember that we are just right in time. We should keep on moving forward and made progress to reach the top. It's okay to failed. We just have to know how to fight again. And with that, I would like to congratulate my fellow students for this day. Congratulations! We are now graduates!" Nathan announced, before he received thousands of applause from the crowd.

That ends our graduation ceremony. After that, we gone to our separate ways. But before I can ever forget, I started to give away the handmade bracelets that I made for my classmates. I gave each one of them a piece, except Nathan that immediately made him frowned the moment that he noticed about it

"Uhm... Where is mine?" he asked me.

"Where's what?"

"You haven't got anything for me, Nat?" he curiously asked, then pouted.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot about it, Nat." It was a melancholic silence that reign in that moment. "Kidding. Of course I got you something. Or maybe someone, I guess..." I trailed off, suppressing my laughter.

"Huh?" His brows are furrowed and almost touching in confusion now.

"My graduation present for you is myself," I blankly stated while looking intently into his eyes.

"What?" A goofy smile suddenly formed on his lips, maybe finally realizing what I mean.

"I love you too, Nathan Brooke. Not just as my bestfriend... But more than that. And yeah, you don't need to court me anymore because I finally made up my decision. You don't need to make me fall in love with you because I already did. I'm allowing you to claim me as your girlfriend, Nathan..."

He smiled, before pulling me closer towards his body before his lips collided with mine. I smiled in between our kisses, realizing that I survived high school... Not with the help of my manual, but with the help of my best friend, now boyfriend, Nathan. College is getting nearer and nearer each passing seconds, and I know that it was just around the corner. Actually, I've been thinking of creating another manual for that... But then, I already thought that Nathan is right, and that makes rule number thirty for my manual: There are no rules at all.

---THE END---

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