CHAPTER 36: Season Three [✔]

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          JUNIORS. Finally, the long wait is over. I don’t know why, but I’m pretty much excited for this year because of one main reason... We are finally allowed to join prom. I’m not as girly as them, though thinking about dancing all night long while wearing your chosen outfit excites me the most. I hope Mom would allow me to join. But I guess she will, under the influence of Aunt Jessica, of course.

“Hey, guys! Who would have thought that we are already in our junior days?!” Scott stated, flashing a grin towards Nathan and me who just arrived at the school.

         It wasn’t just the same as before. I mean, a lot have already changed over summer. Scott and Nathan isn’t looking the same as before. They became taller, a lot taller than me, I guess. I couldn’t even reach their heads even if I tiptoe. I remained as small as I am before, but that wasn’t a problem at all. Ever since I got my first period, my Mom told me that I will start to bloom like a flower, though I hardly believe it.

“Same club, huh?” Nathan asked and Scott nodded.

“I guess so. Sports and drama? I will definitely gonna join in the drama club this year. How about you, Natalia?” Scott asked, pertaining to me.

        I stopped for a moment, thinking what club am I going to join in this year. Then I remembered what happened to Becca and I when I joined the drama club last year. I just I just need to stay as a normie student this year specially when Nathan, Scott, and I already got a huge responsibility ahead of us for being the members of our student council.

“I guess I would like to be just an ordinary student this year. I mean, no clubs, no issues... I just wanted to be a responsible part of our student council.”

“Smart choice, huh? Seems like Natalia doesn’t want to be so busy this year,” Scott stated, and we chuckled.

         We walked through the hallways of our school while waiting for the bell to ring, signalizing all of the students that we are going to be welcome by the first flag ceremony of this school year. After a few more minutes, it finally happened. The official opening for this school year... Our junior years.

“I can’t believe that we’ve gone through everything this far, my manual,” I whispered to myself, reminiscing our memories together in these past two years.

           I sighed, before waving my good byes to Scott and Nathan for I need to be separated from them since I should line up with the girls, who apparently, hated me a lot. I can see it in their eyes... Freeda, Elyzz, Lia, and most of all, Becca. She became part of their group on the last weeks of our sophomore year.

“I don’t see any reason for that girl to win the election last year... I mean, she’s nothing but a normie. If not for that freshman girl who ruined our figure, their whole party list wouldn’t win,” Lia stated, while staring at me from head to toe.

“Like, I got everything it takes, like, to be like a secretary, you know,” Elyzz seconded.

        It took me a minute or so before I realized that they are intentionally letting me heard everything... Including this nonsense conversation of them.

“Don’t worry about them, guys. They are just a bunch of losers. Let’s just see what will going to happen to Jackson High while having those so called leaders.” It was Freeda, who’s now giving me a dreadful look.

        All of the sudden, I feel nervous, not knowing what to do or how should I fulfill my responsibility as part of the student council this year. I just don’t know how to please people... And if ever, I’m sure that these three wouldn’t be part of them... Or maybe four, including Becca.

“Oh, and by the way... Becca?” Freeda asked, pertaining to Becca.

“Yes? What is it?” Becca asked her back.

“You won, right?”

“Yeah, she won for not having an opponent. Like how pathetic could that be,” Lia whispered, still loud enough for us to hear.

        Elyzz chuckled at that cruel statement of her friend, before biting her lower lip to stop her from laughing out loud in front of Becca. The latter one just look down, and I could see how sorry she feel for herself. Being treated like this by Freeda and her squad... She doesn’t deserve it. I know that we can treat her better as a friend... Maybe more than that. Then I remembered that Freeda is right, Becca is sure as part of our school’s student council.

“I never even asked to win at the first place. I mean, I thought you guys would win that’s why I joined the election... We never expected that you would lose.”

        And just like that, every single one of them started to look furious, cheeks are blushing out of too much humiliation because of what Becca said. They finally shut their mouths up, before listening to our principal’s welcoming speech.

          As our flag ceremony finally ended, I decided to look for Nathan and Scott, hoping that the three of us could have the same classes together. But as I was roaming through the boys’ line, I’d encountered someone that I never expected to see this early. Well, the last time that we saw each other, it feels like we’re already quits for everything that we’ve done to each other, and even though there’s a little bit fear left in me, I was hoping that we could be good friends someday.

         Tyler was walking towards the direction of their classroom, together with his squad, of course. Their small little group was composed of him, the leader. And then it was followed by his other group members that was also a part of the varsity team. It was Jake and Liam. How I wish that Nathan and I could have the same classes together just like them.

“Hi, Nat,” Tyler greeted before winking at me, one thing that I never expected to happen.

        As the three of them completely vanished out of my sight, my heartbeat started to race for apparently no reason at all. What just happened?! I mean, what is that?! Why do I feel this way? Why do the most hated bad boy of our  school is suddenly the most attractive guy in front of my eyes? What is happening to me? And then that brought me to rule number twenty six on my manual... And that is, to stay as calm as possible at any situation.

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