CHAPTER 21: Season Two [✔]

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           SOPHOMORES. Finally, we are not the lowest grade level here in Jackson High. We are not the newbies anymore, for we are now at our second year in high school. It’s pretty much exciting, having new activities that we could join in, and new class schedules where Nathan could be possibly one of my classmate.

           Everything is going well... Not until I remember that this is the year when I’m going to help Scott get close to Becca, and Becca to my bestfriend Nathan. Thinking about it wasn’t that stressful as before, for I already knew how to handle that situation if ever.

         If Scott asked for my help, then I’ll do it. If Becca did, then I’ll still do it. Nothing more, nothing less. I’ll just help anyone who needs a hand whenever they need it. I guess that’s just being fair.

“Scott texted me earlier... He said that we should meet him at the Cafeteria,” Nathan stated randomly while looking down on his phone.

“How about Becca?” I asked, excited by the fact that I’m going to see Becca and Scott again after almost two months.

“I texted her, she gave me her number last night.”

“Oh,” was my short reply.

        I was dumbfounded by the fact that Nathan has her number, when in fact, she didn’t gave it to me. I guess this is what will happen if you’re being left out by your friends. I mean, Nathan got his new phone by helping out Aunt Jessica on the pharmacy, same as Scott and Becca who was born with a silver spoon. I, nothing. I mean, Mom didn’t let me find a part time job last summer and she just made me stay at home while doing apparently nothing.

“Hey!” Nathan poked my cheeks. “Are you okay?” he asked, looking worried.

“You have Becca’s number?” I don’t know why I said that, when in fact, I should’ve just answer him with a straight yes or no.

“Yeah... Why? Are you jealous?” he asked back, wiggling his eyebrows.

         I rolled my eyes towards him before walking away. I felt his presence behind me, following my each and every footsteps. And because his legs are longer than me, I don’t have to slow down my pace just to be chased by him.

“But seriously, why are you asking? I mean, we are friends. We suppose to have the cellphone number of each other in case of emergency...”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” I continued walking down the hallway.

“Well, except you,” he whispered.

        I stopped walking, before facing him. I glared, making his brows furrowed in confusion.

“What now?” he asked.

“That was a cruel thing to say. You know that we are broke, Nat. I can’t buy a new phone just like anybody else. And yep, you’re my bestfriend, so technically, out of all the people in this world, you should be the first one to know about our situation.”

         I turned around, before I continue to stomp towards our school Cafeteria. Nathan and I arrived too early that’s why there’s only a few people walking down in the hallway. I was stunned when he suddenly grabbed my arms and hugged me, making my heart skipped a beat, and causing some butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

“I’m sorry, okay?” he apologized.

“It’s fine...” I answered to quickly, eager to make him let go of me because of those weird and silly feelings.

“You’re still mad...”

“No, I’m not.”

          It was me who finally decided to pull away from his embrace, before holding his hands to pull him along. I don’t want to make him feel bad so I guess holding his hands will make him think that it’s just fine and I’m not offended anymore. It felt nice for a moment, touching the tip of his warm fingers. When I looked behind to see his face, I saw him blushing.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” he asked, scratching his nape using his other hand.

“Nothing...” I chuckled, before we continued making our way to the school Cafeteria.

          When we are almost there, I saw Becca... Walking towards our direction. I’m pretty sure it was her, but something changed... Her cute, blond, and curly hair that I used to love about her before was now gone. It was straightened up, just like Lia and Freeda’s.

“Nathan?” she asked, fluttering her eyelashes.

         She ran towards our direction, and I felt the need to let go of Nathan’s hand for an unknown reason. Maybe because Becca is here, and even if she knows that Nathan and I are bestfriends ever since we were a baby, I still moved away, knowing my place. I mean, Becca asked for some space and I’ll just give it to her.

          Becca hugged Nathan, tightly as I saw how my bestfriend almost loose his breath. Then she looked at me, before waving her hand with a cute colored cuticles painted on it. Seems like she’s more delighted seeing Nathan than me. But I guess that’s how things work out in here now.

“Hi, Natalia! I’ve missed the two of you! And Scott, of course.”

“Yeah. We missed you too, Becca.”

“By the way where’s Scott?” she asked.

“Oh, he’s in the Cafeteria, waiting for us. I texted you earlier...”

“Really? I haven’t read it yet. Though I’m very thankful to you. I really appreciate you guys thinking about me. Thankfully, I got some whispers into my ears saying that I should go here and find you.”

“That was nice–” My statement was cut short by Becca’s energetic voice.

“Come on, Nathan. Let’s find Scott,” she said, tugging my bestfriend by his arm as they walk towards the entrance of the Cafeteria.

“Sure...” Nathan whispered.

        I just shrugged my shoulders before following them. As we enter inside, I instantly saw Scott, who’s now looking good as ever. I’m loving his clean haircut, and I really appreciate him for not trying to changed himself not like most of the students here in Jackson High.

“Nat! Nathan...” He stopped talking for a moment, looking down at Becca’s hands who’s now tightly gripping on Nathan’s arms. “Hey, Becca,” he added, sounding disappointed.

        I looked down, thinking that I failed Scott today. I guess I’m just going to have an alternate schedule in helping them. So for today, it’s Becca’s turn and tomorrow, it will be Scott. In that way, I can help the both of them in executing their plans.

“Can you believe it? We are now sophomores! It feels like it was only yesterday when we met each other and became friends...” Becca stated emotionally.

“Yeah, I guess so. Time flies so pass. I can’t wait to graduate high school,” Nathan honestly stated.

“Too soon? I want more time, Nerdy Nathan...” Becca stated, pouting her lips.

“Whatever, guys. Let’s quit the drama now,” Scott joined in, cutting Becca’s monologue.

          I saw her rolled her eyes to Scott before I caught Nathan suppressing his laughter. I was about to say something when the bell rings, making all the students stood up, racing towards our flagpole. Well I guess this morning was maybe way too much for a start. And I never guess wrong.

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