CHAPTER 44: The Promposal [✔]

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TOMORROW night will be our prom, yet nobody asked me to be their date yet. Tyler is not telling me anything about it, and I also don't what to initiate something because that would make me look like I was too desperate to have a date for that night. I sighed, before I decided to go to the comfort room, hoping that I can release the nervousness that I have in there.

Aside from the prom, I'm also thinking about Nathan and his mom. It was confirmed, they left the country to go somewhere else... Without even bidding a single good bye to any of us, even Scott, his next closest friend. I took a deep breath, before I decided to go out of the cubicle. But as I was about to, I heard a familiar voices laughing outside, making me stop for a moment. It was Freeda and her squad.

"Yes, queen. I'm sure that your plan will be successful. All we need is a little bit of within for us, alright?" it was Lia's voice.

"I know right! Like, she will surely feel humiliated, like, that is the result of being too you know, like an assuming girl!" Elyzz added, cheering for whatever plan that Freeda has.

"Don't be too happy, girls. It hasn't happen yet. Let us just celebrate once it did."

I heard some giggles from them, before it slowly disappeared as the three of them entered the cubicle beside me. I took that chance to escape, before running away towards the Cafeteria to meet with Tyler. I don't know why, but I can feel like up with Freeda and her squad.

"Why do you look do bothered?" Tyler asked me, as the two of us are finally sitting down in the Cafeteria.

"Nothing... I just feel like something wrong is going to happen tomorrow night."

"What do you mean by that? Maybe you are just nervous for the prom?"

"No... I know this feeling, Tyler. I felt it before, and then Nathan gone missing."

"Just don't think too much about those things, alright? I assure you, nothing bad will ever happen tomorrow night. And have you forgot that you still have to finish the decorations in the school council office? You will be needing to finish that, or else, something wrong might really happened tomorrow," he joked, and I slightly laughed at him.

"Thank you, Tyler. I'll go ahead."

"Go on. I'll see you later."

I nodded, before standing up while smiling to myself. Tyler may not be too straight forward by how he feels about me but he always gives me an assurance, one thing that I really needed to have. I went straight to the student council office, before helping Scott to finish our decorations. It was nearly evening when we finished our jobs, and we decided to just decorate the gym area by tomorrow morning. And so Scott and I finally packed up, before going outside of the office where the seventh grader (who is now an eighth grader) student that helped me and Nathan during our campaign is waiting outside for me.

"Natalia, right?"

"It's you... What are you doing here?"

"Someone asked me to give this to you," she answered, before handling me a piece of paper.

And just like that, she is gone once again, without even letting me ask her name. When I opened the paper, I smiled, reading the words that is written upon it.

"Meet me in the garden now. -Tyler."

And so I followed his orders. As I went to the garden, I felt merely disappointed, seeing an empty and dark space around me. But then, as I turned around, the mini lights started to make the whole place bright, as my eyes landed upon Tyler who is now smiling at me while holding a bouquet of roses in his hands.


"Tyler," I chuckled, before walking towards him. "What is this?" I asked, before he reached out to held my hand.

"Nothing... I just wanted to surprise you. I know that it is not that much but... I really, really, wanted to make you happy and see your genuine smile again. So I made this. Surprise!" he tried to be as jolly as he can, making me laugh out loud.

"Who knew that a school bad boy can do something like this?" I asked him.

"I was surprised by myself as well. I badly wanted to ask you something... And I wanted it to be only between the two of us, since you know... It's not like I'm being shy in front of the crowd but you knew how traumatic my last proposal is... So today, I wanted it to be more intimate... Just the two of us..."

He rested his forehead against mine, making me smile as I wrapped my hands around his neck. Then he took a deep breath, as if gaining the courage that he needs in order to tell me the real reason why he is here.

"Natalia Carter... Will you be my date to the prom tomorrow night?" Tyler asked me, his eyes fixed upon my direction.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked him back.

"I've never been so sure in my life."

"Then yes, Tyler. I'm willing to be your date," I finally answered, making him look as happy as ever.

"Really?!" I nodded.

He lifted me up, before spinning me around that made me scream out of panic. But then he put me down, before giving me a quick kiss on my lips that immediately made me blushed.

"Thank you, Nat. Thank for accepting my proposal. I'm really lucky to have you."

"I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" I asked him.

"I'll see you. But before that, I'll take you home."

And with that, the two of us went home, both can't stop talking about the prom and everything. If there is one thing that I can say about Tyler, that is the fact that he is too consistent if he wanted something. He never really stop giving me the butterflies, and I'm going to make sure that I will be the same towards him.

The next day comes, and I prepare myself for the biggest night of my life. I smiled, fixing myself as I broke rule number one: Don't show off. I also ignored rule number fifteen: Never lie to your Mom. She tried to ask me if I have a date or something, but of course I told her that I have none, and since Nathan is gone, she probably think that I will be sitting all night long without receiving any offer to have a dance with anyone.

I told Tyler not to pick me up, since my mother still doesn't know about us. And also, I would like my look to be a surprise for anyone, especially him. When I arrived at the place, I immediately received some compliments that made me blush. However, there is only one person whom I wanted to see, and that is no other than the school bad boy. That is why I am slightly disappointed to see him talking to Freeda, who is now wearing a long, pink gown together with Elyzz and Lia.

"What are you talking about?! You can't stop now, Tyler!" she shouted out loud, sounding so furious before realizing that I am now watching the four of them. And then she shook her head, before walking away that made Tyler turn to look at my direction.

"Carter... Have you been there for a long time?"

"No, I just arrived. Why are you talking to Freeda?" I asked him.

"Nothing... Why? Are you getting jealous?" she asked me, making me frowned.

"I am not jealous."

"Stop lying. You are not good with it. And don't worry, you are the most beautiful student that I've seen on here tonight," he stated, before looking at my direction that made me blush.


It was silence that reign in that moment, before a soft and romantic music suddenly turned up high in the speakers. The students began dancing at the center of the gym, before Tyler offered his hands in front of me while trying to break the defying silence between us.

"May I have this dance?"

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