CHAPTER 51: Campfire Night [✔]

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TWO days passed by. We ran out of activities to do during our retreat, so the organizers decided to have a campfire night later on, during our last night in the retreat. Everything went fine, or so I thought. Because it seems like Freeda and her squad was unable to bully me became Nathan is always around, as well as Scott to Becca. I guess they will have to find a proper time to do something towards us.

"Ready for the campfire later tonight? I heard that there will be dance and reflection in front of the bonfire later on," Scott explained, sounding very excited.

"Really? That would be great. Let us enjoy our last night together, alright?" Becca added, before taking a fries from my plate.

"Well, seems like the two of you will be enjoying that bonfire activity later on," Nathan mischievously answered, teasing them.

"Let's see. Maybe you will too, with Natalia."

"You're insane."

I blushed, thinking what may happen later tonight. I just realized that finally, we are in the moment that we all been waiting for. It's starting to get dark and the students needs to gather around to join the last activities. I sighed, before I decided to go. But just as I was about to be in the open ground, I heard someone talking nearby the trees, so I stopped, as I decided to listen to them. It was Freeda and Lia, sounding very furious to one another.

"I knew it! You've been seducing Jake ever since the beginning. How could you, Freeda?! He is Tyler's friend! I am your friend! How can you do this to us?!" Lia asked her, making me cover my mouth out of shock, afraid that they might hear my gasp.

"I did not seduce your boyfriend, Lia. Like I said, it happened a long time ago."

"But how could you?! You are my friend!"

"And do you really think that I gained something from that? I am just using you and Elyzz for my popularity! How stupid can you be? You are just a loser like your twin brother, Liam, and your cousin, Becca. Valles are like a trash, anyways."

"How dare you!"

"What? It's true. Your family's company is even crashing down. I don't need losers in my life. Tell this to everyone and let us see who will believe you."

And with that, Freeda started walking away, leaving Lia crying. She sat there, looking devastated as ever. I feel sorry for her, and I am too furious to even think about Freed and her evil deeds. How can she used someone just for her popularity? And now that she can do it on her own, she will just dump them without any valid reasons? I bit my lower lip, before I decided to help Lia out. This is not right, and I have to make her feel better, at least.

"Lia..." I started off, calling her name.

"Natalia? What are you doing here?" she asked me as she looked up, before wiping away the tears in her eyes. "Did you hear everything?" I nodded. "I am pathetic, right?"

"You are not. I mean... Actually, you're cool, just like Becca and Liam. Becca... She's been a very good friend of mine despite the fact that we are strangers before. And I'm sure that you two will be friends as well especially because you are cousins."

"But how can you say that? After what I've done to her... To you..."

"It doesn't matter. Just think of it this way. After everything you've done for Freeda, she still dumped you as her friend. It was like the same thing. No matter how good and bad you are, you can see who's your real friend in the end."

She smiled, before taking my hand as she stood up.

"I guess I've been in a wrong set of friends, Natalia. Thank you for letting me see that."

I nodded, before the two of us went to the bonfire, together. Thankfully, Becca don't hold any grudges against Lia, and the two of them instantly became BFF's. The organizers started the dance, and Scott took Becca, the same way that unexpectedly, Nathan did to me. We are dancing in front of the fire before our gaze met, making me blushed as I thought of officially apologize to him for what I did during our junior years.

"Nathan... I..." I trailed off, still hesitating to do it.


"Nothing... It was just... I guess I can never say it straight to your face," I admitted, blushing out to humiliation.

"Then write me an email then," he answered all of the sudden, his statement caught me off guard.


"Write me a email, just like what you always do. A short mail will do, at least."

"Like I always do? Don't tell me that..." I bit my lower lip, thinking of so much possibilities inside of my head.

"Yes, Nat. I received your emails. Too many times. Who knew that you can write a hundred in just a few months that I've been gone," he chuckled.

"What?! So... You read it all before?"

"I do. I read it, a thousand times."

"Then why... Why are you still too grumpy with me?"

"Nothing. I just felt like maybe, you deserve to feel what I felt before. But I felt bad... And I'm sorry for that."

"Nathan... I'm sorry... I didn't want us to be separated in the first place..."

"I understand. It is not your fault, either. No matter we are in good or bad terms, I will still be leaving by then. I needed to, because of my grandmother."

"I'm sorry if I haven't been there for you," I muttered under my breath.

"Me too. If I haven't been here the moment that Tyler and Freeda hurt you a lot. I told you, you should have listened to me, Nat."

"Still holding grudges, huh? Don't worry. Tyler and I are fine now. We had a closure before he left, and I guess that forgiveness is the best thing that I can ever give to him."

"Right. Forgiveness. I forgive you. I know I already told you this before but... You know, I still want to be your best friend, Nat. No matter what happened. I promise."

I nodded before giving him a tight embrace. Who knew that after all we've been through, we can still be able to surpass all of that and be best friends once again... Until the end of our high school journey.

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