CHAPTER 18: Need Help Part II [✔]

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         SCHOOL festival. Our first here in Jackson High. A few moments from now, the program will start and Becca and I will finally do our plan. The thing that we are hoping to help her get close to someone... To Nathan, to be specific.

“Gosh! I can’t wait to dance with him later!” Becca squealed, and I try to look happy for her.

         Though I really felt happy helping her, I can’t help myself but to be saddened by the fact that I’m not going to dance with Nathan anymore. I wouldn’t be participating, just like Becca during our practice days.

“Are you okay?” she suddenly asked, making me come back to my senses to face her again... More like to lie again.

“Hey... Y-yeah, I’m fine, Becca. I’m just... You know. I’m nervous. I don’t know what to say to Nathan later on...”

        I was half hoping that she will stop this nonsense and she will just let me dance with Nathan like how things supposed to be. But she didn’t, and she was really determined to make my bestfriend only hers.

“Okay, everyone! We are on in ten minutes! Please prepare yourselves!” Our instructor stated.

“Go team!” Scott shouted, only getting a ‘boo’ from those popular students.

        We didn’t mind them. Instead, Nathan, Becca, and I cheered on our own. Until Becca nudged me, the signal I’ve been waiting for to receive.

“Wait... I think I need to use the bathroom or something...” I stated, acting like something is wrong. Well, something is indeed very wrong right now.

        The instructor looked at me in confusion, before letting me go. I felt Nathan chased me, pulling my hand to ask me why, maybe.

“Hey... Are you okay?” he asked.

“I just feel like... I’m gonna throw up.”

“What?! Are you having a stage fright?”

“Nope... Just... Let me go, Nathan.”

         He nodded, before removing his hands on my arms.

“Just be back in time.”

           I didn’t answer him. I just ran away, hiding myself in one of the cubicles in girl’s comfort room. Surprisingly, I cried for apparently no reason. I don’t know why, but maybe because of the fact that I’m thinking how I wasted all those afternoons practicing with my bestfriend when in fact, I’m not the one he’s going to dance with today.

           After about three minutes, I decided to went out as I wiped my tears away. Now it’s time for me to act sick. Though that wasn’t a problem anymore for I already look terrible right after crying. I walked towards the backstage of where the program is being held, and as soon as Nathan and Scott saw me, panic rushed through their faces.

“Nat! Are you okay? You look terrible...” It was Scott.

“Hey, watch your mouth,” Nathan scolded, looking at me with a worried expression plastered upon his face.

“I’m fine... But I don’t think I can make it and perform at the stage. I really feel sick right now...”

“Natalia? We are next. Are you okay?” the instructor asked, finally noticing what the commotion is all about.

“Yeah... But I’m afraid I can’t make it...”

“It’s fine. I wouldn’t go as well,” Nathan stated, making Becca’s eyes widen.

“No, Nathan!” I answered too quickly, only making me look guilty. “You should go on and enjoy... I can take care of myself...”

“No, Nat. It’s okay. I don’t have a pair so I guess...”

Natalia's High School Manual [COMPLETED ✔]Where stories live. Discover now