CHAPTER 50: New Couples In Town [✔]

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AFTER we went home, Nathan left me in the doorstep without saying another word. I stood there, feeling sorry for myself because I didn't even ask Nathan if he already forgive me or even thank him for taking me home. I sighed, before turning around to get inside. But just as I was about to, the door opened up.on it's own, revealing my mother behind it who looked so surprised to see me.

"Natalia... Dear, why are you home so late? It's nearly six in the evening... We still have a dinner in your Aunt Jessica's place."

"What?! In Nathan's house?"

"Yes. I forget to tell you about it yesterday. You two should spend some time together. So Jessica and I decided to have a sleepover there."

"But Mom..." I trailed off, thinking that she wouldn't understand our complicated situation even if I try to explain it.

"Come on. Just change your clothes and packed up your sleepover stuff," she ordered, before preparing the car.

I sighed, thinking that I have no other choice but to follow what she wanted. And so we came to their house, Aunt Jessica prepared a dinner for us, before we watched the television in their living room. Nathan and I kept quiet, while the adults remained having some chit chats for what happened in the past few months that they haven't seen each other.

"So Natalia, how have you been? I mean, Nathan immediately adjusted in his new environment before. But we decided to get back here, since I can't be away from my best friend. Although his father said that he wanted to live their, I chose to stay. I think he will visit us soon," Aunt Jessica stated, while smiling to herself.

"Guess like you wasted money in your divorce papers," my Mom giggles.

"I'm fine, Aunt Jessica," I answered before acting sleepy to avoid further more questions.

"Oh, I think your tired. Nathan, son, why don't you bring her to your room?"

"To my room?" he asked, surprised.

"Yes. You two had been having sleepover ever since you were five years old. What's with the face now?"

"Fine, fine."

He motioned me to come with him, so I just followed, thinking that I shouldn't have acted that way. Because of me, I will be stuck in the same room as he is.

"Here. I'll sleep as well later on. Just get yourself comfortable. I will just fix my mails," he stated, before grabbing his laptop.

I nodded, before getting some sheets to bring on the floor. Nathan gave ma a curious look, before stopping me from doing what I was planning.

"Uhm... What are you doing?"

"Getting ready to sleep?"

"I know. But why are you putting sheets on the floor?"

"Because I will sleep on it?"

"Crazy. Come here. My Mom will give me a hard time if I allow you to sleep there. Get on the bed. We always did this before, right? So what's with this chaos?"

"Oh," was my short and stupid reply.

I sighed, before getting on the bed. I covered myself using his sheets before turning to the other side of the bed. I can't sleep, not even until I felt him do the same a few minutes later. I turned around, facing his direction, before smiling to myself.

"Good night, Nathan."

Two weeks before graduation. Being part of our last year in high school, we are going to have a retreat. One thing that all students of Jackson High are waiting to happen. The announcements about that certain things go on and on until late in the afternoon period, even after our bell rings indicating that all classes are finally over. Tomorrow will be the first day of our three days retreat. And Scott, Nathan, and even I are looking very hyped up about it.

Natalia's High School Manual [COMPLETED ✔]Where stories live. Discover now