👩 Mr & Mrs. Jeon 👨

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  Jungkook took off his helmet and huff, he stare at the helmet for a while, a soft smile plastered on his face.  Earlier, taehyung told him to drop him off at his eomma's plastry shop and he just came back, feeling happy after dropping him off since the younger has hug him for straight thirty minutes today.

   He hop down from his motorcycle and place his helmet on top before trudging his way into the house. "Eomma!" He called, as he closes the door and look inside the bag Seokjin gave him. "I brought chocolates and-" Jungkook pursed his lips as his eyes darted to the strangers in the living room, he look around and saw Hoseok sitting on the opposite couch, looking so pale.

"Kookie please come here." Jungkook nervously gulp and darted his gaze back to the strangers. He just suddenly felt nervous the moment he saw the handsome elderly man and beautiful woman who look hella rich. Whereas, the strangers were shocked, amazed, nervous and happy the moment their eyes fell on him.

Hoseok stood up and walk towards the young man who look confused. "Wh-what's going on?" Jungkook asked and Hoseok sighed, looking at him with sadness before darting his gaze back to the man and woman. He lean closer to Jungkook."I called your father, he'll be back soon." Hoseok whispered to him and Jungkook brows meet.

" What? Why? And who are they?--we are your parents." Jungkook felt his blood running cold in his veins. " Mr and Mrs Jeon. Your real parents." The lady said walking towards them and Hoseok just lower his head.

    Her demeanor was quite intimidating even though she practically look like a bunny. Jungkook was basically staring at her gait, her expression and her skin which look soft and delicate as a roseleaf, her dark sleek shoulder length hair, her eyes which were as blue as the deepest sea. It sorta remind him of Taehyung blue eyes.

If Jungkook was straight and the lady was just a girl from his class, Jungkook would've definitely ask her out. There is no way on Earth he would let her go.

But that wasn't what he is thinking. He was utterly disconcerted after hearing what she has said.

"I'm your mother, Ggukkie." She blinks, tears pouring out of her eyes. Her chubby cheeks growing pink as she step closer staring directly at his eyes which he hasn't blink since she stood up from the couch. Just in time as she was about to hold his cheeks, the door opened and They all tilted their head to see yoongi walking towards them with a deep frown as his gaze darted between her and her husband.

Hoseok could finally breath properly. He left Jungkook's side and dash towards his husband, wrapping his arms around yoongi who look down at him with a soft smile.

Yoongi also wrap his arms around him and lean down to pick his lips, not caring if some stranger eyes were on them. Someone had to clear his throat really loudly to interrupt them. Hoseok shyly pull away about to disengage his body from yoongi but the latter grip his waist tighter and throw a glare at Mr. Jeon who was now on his feet.

"What do you want?" He asked, rudely. Mr Jeon sighed and gently walk towards the couple giving them a good distance while shoving his hands into his pocket. "What we want is very simple Mr Min. I appreciate what you have done for us, very much but we have come to take our son."

Yoongi paused and suddenly began to laugh. " Funny, really. And what exactly makes you think I and my husband will just sit here and watch you take our son with you."

Mr Jeon clench his jaw, slowly walking closer while staring at yoongi dead in the eyes. "It like you didn't heard me right over the phone Mr. Min. He is my son, I already called the orphanage home and--honey." Mrs Jeon walk over to her husband and caress his arms.

"Let's not press this so much we could just talk to them okay. No threatening."  She whispered and last statement with a stern look and Mr Jeon took a deep breath, then he sighed before darting his gaze to Jungkook who was just staring at them with no expression on his face.

"Or maybe you should let him choose." Hoseok snap his head towards the stairs and stare at baekhyun with wide eyes. The latter gently walk towards them and stand between the two couple. "From my point of view it looks like you wanna take Kookie by force, like he some object that you kept somewhere and someone found it and now you want it back by all means." Baekhyun glares at Mr Jeon who only scoffed in response.

"You know what, you're right about that one. I want my son back by all means--Enough! Okay. I'm not an object and you, you can't just show up telling me to go with you. I don't even trust you. Tell me how can I believe you are my parents." Mrs Jeon gulped hard as she stare at Jungkook's angry expression.

She let go of her husband's arm and slowly began to walk closer to him. "Stop! Don't come closer." Jungkook said, outstretching his hand. Mrs Jeon halted. Her eyes holding alot of emotion as she stare at Jungkook who looks like he was about to cry.

Jungkook stare at her curiously as her eyes makes a slow trip all over his face until she set her gaze on his neck. "A silver necklace is in your neck, and your name his engrave at the back of the pendant under it is your DOB do you still want more prove to let you know that we are your parents?" Jungkook frowned, surprised.

Mrs Jeon flash a little smile and walk towards the couch, she open her handbag and brought out some pictures before walking over to Jungkook.


Jungkook looked at her face and slowly took the picture from her, walking towards the window, far away from everyone. he stare down at the pictures and felt his eyes stinging. It was his ultrasound photo and his baby photo when he was borne, he was still even cover in blood and a doctor was holding him while his mother was sleeping on the bed and his father was smiling into the camera and another one when he was smiling in his mother arms, on a bed, a huge smile plastered on his mother face.

It was really a good prove because of the vivid details. Jungkook didn't know how to feel, all his life he had wonder if his parents were even alive, if so, why was he abandoned, he was just very curious about it.

"It hurts. I know, I felt the same when I left you at the orphanage--why? Just why?" Jungkook slowly turn around to stare at his mother who was already close to him. " Why did you leave me there alone huh? Wae!"

Mrs Jeon flinched as Jungkook shouted. He angrily flew the pictures away and stormed out of the house, he grab his helmet and put it on before disappearing into the street, ignoring Hoseok who was calling him back.

"He-he's gone." Hoseok cried, almost about to fall but baekhyun was quick enough to hold him, the both of them staring at the motorcycle until Jungkook took a turn and disappeared out of their sight.

If you haven't listen to permission to dance, please try to listen to the song.

Cool cowboy 🤠

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