🦄 Jealous duo 🦄

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   Taehyung was smiling as he continuously take bites from his chocolate ice cream while he was getting glance at by Jungkook and bogum. Jimin look at them taking a deep breath he made up his mind to tell Sanha how he really felt about him.

  Pulling his chair backward he stood up and arrange his hoodie before calling the pup who is now focus on his mobile since he ate his ice cream really quick. Jimin grab his wrist softly and lead him out of the ice cream shop after telling the others that they'll be back. Meanwhile, Taehyung was smiling from ear to ear knowing what was about to happen.

  Bogum grew curious and clear his throat earning Taehyung and Jungkook's attention. "I feel like you know something already" He said and place his empty ice cream cup on the tray before turning his gaze at Taehyung. Jungkook who was sitting across them grew jealous because of the proximity and started wondering why. 'what is this? What is happening to me? Why do I feel this way?' he kept thinking until he was brought out of his thoughts by bogum who was calling his name.

"Huh?" He asked and the two look at him strangely and he realized they have been discussing. "I asked what do you do with your free time." 'why is he asking me that?' Jungkook thought and shrug." I read and listen to music." He simply reply and turn his gaze at Taehyung who was already staring at him. Taehyung blush when his ocean blue eyes met with the honey brown one's and look down at his lap. Bogum notice it and bit his buttom lip. "Okay, you seems to be the quiet type." Bogum said  with a fake smile earning a shy smile from Jungkook and nod from Taehyung.

    The trio continue their conversation and learning more about each other until Taehyung realize Jimin and Sanha are still outside. "Uh, I'm going to check on those two." He said leaving the duo who where looking at him with big heart eyes before exiting the shop.

  Bogum raise a brow annoyed that Jungkook was still staring at the beauty even when he is already out of sight and clear his throat. Jungkook slowly look back at him and fold his hand over his chest resting his back on the plastic armchair also raising a brow. Bogum let out a frivolous laugh his brow not coming down, clicking his tongue he also fold his hands." Looks like you have a crush" He said making Jungkook to think about what he's actually feeling for the feminine boy once again. With a soft sigh he answered," looks like it." Bogum brow drop and form into a narrow line glaring through Jungkook's face like he could give him an amateur facelift in any seconds.

Trying to calm himself he bit his buttom lip once again," look, you might be feeling something towards him because I know it probably because of his beauty. Both boys and girls are attracted to him. But before you came I already want to tell him about how I feel and I want to have the future I dream about with him." Bogum explain earning a strange look from Jungkook who just sat like someone without a soul staring at his eyes. "Why are you telling me this?." Jungkook asked with a blank expression on his face. "Because I want you to stay away." Jungkook let out a mocking laugh and look at him amuse.

  "I'm sure I won't be able to have him if he truly loves you. Looks like we have a competition" He said and stood up boiling bogum blood with anger. " Where are you going?" Bogum asked with narrowed brows. Jungkook blink and gave him an innocent look which was a bit creepy after their whole conversation. "I." Jungkook said softly and lean closer giving their face few inches away from each other, "am going to change the future." He smirk and walk outside without sparing bogum a glance.

Jungkook saw Taehyung walking his way towards the shop and went to meet him,"where did you go?" He asked softly ruffling the younger's hair with a smirk on his face knowing bogum was watching them from behind. Ignoring the butterflies feeling in his tummy Taehyung replied. "I was looking for chim and pup." He pout adorably. It took all the ounce of control Jungkook have in him to stop himself from kissing those plump cherry lips. He mentally slap himself and remove his hand from the younger hair making him to pout even more at the loss of contact.

  "Are you ready to go home?" He asked and Taehyung nod without hesitation earning a wide adorable bunny smile which melted his heart in return. They walk towards Jungkook's motorcycle. Jungkook place the helmet in taehyung's head and climb the bike. Taehyung smile and soon faded off as he thought of what might happen. Jungkook notice and asked,"what's wrong?" . Bitting his buttom lips shyly he replied. "It's my first motorcycle ride and I'm s-scared." Jungkook smile once again and squeeze his cheek softly giving him a reassuring smile that he's safe. With that Taehyung climb on the bike and back hug Jungkook very tight taken him by surprise.  Jungkook smile as he glance down at the exquisite hands on his torso but once again the smile fade because of bogum's presence.

"Tae, come let me walk you home since you are afraid of bike."

Taehyung look up peeking out his head from the back of Jungkook's shoulder to see his bogum hyung meanwhile Jungkook was there rolling his eyes. "Um don't worry hyungie am safe with Kookie, he'll take me home." The trio was surprised but especially the one who said that,he couldn't believe he just called him Kookie. Before he became his tutor whilst telling hoseok hyung to let him teach Jungkook it also slip out of his mouth and hoseok teases him but promise not to tell anyone. he blush harder and bury his face in Jungkook's back making the said boy to smirk devilishly at the male in front of him. Not wasting any time to allow bogum to protest he drove off leaving him dumbfounded.

Ignore my writing errors please I'm a fast writer and I literally don't have any chance to cross check my works.

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