🐧Blamed 🐙

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   I took Lisa's number and smiled at her as she smiled too before she left I turn around and look to see if Taehyung is still waiting for me but he wasn't, I took a deep breath and took off my shirt gosh I stink. I need to bathe, I took a towel and was about to go to the bathroom when someone ran towards me I turn around thinking it was Taehyung but to my greatest fear it was Jimin with a scared and worried face and he told me someone saw Jinyoung taking Taehyung to the old gym room. I kept my towel and ran to the gym room shirtless not minding the girls that was drooling over me and squealing.

    No' ones pov
"Please no, don't do it." Taehyung cried as Jinyoung slowly touch his bare chest, no one has ever touch him like that and he hate it that Jinyoung was the first person touching him like that. "Oh are you begging now?" Taehyung closed his eyes and shook his head, "please!" Jinyoung click his tongue, "I think you want me to... You little slut." He said and his boys laughed. "Record what I am about to do." He ordered, one of them took out his phone and started recording.

   Taehyung was a crying mess as he plead for Jinyoung to stop, Jinyoung lick his lips and attack Taehyung's neck making him to gasp. He bite on his neck very hard leaving dark purple marks down to his chest. He squeeze Taehyung's nipple and Taehyung screamed in pain and disgust, between Jinyoung and his friends were laughing like psychos.  He look down at his tight pant and cause under his breath, he separate Taehyung's legs making the said boy to shiver and cry even more as he begged him to stop but Jinyoung didn't listen.

  He started unzipping Taehyung's pant trying to pull it down but a hard kick on his face stopped him, Jungkook expression was dark as he glare at the boys. Without wasting anymore time he started beating the boys, bogum ran into the room and untied Taehyung who hugged him and cried on his shoulder and bogum helped him wear his clothes. Jimin saw the phone on the floor and Immediately took it "NTTIPIHTT  HM" (guess what that means 😜) he ran out of the class.

Jungkook was about to punch one of the boys but,"stop!" He turn around and saw the headmaster and Jimin behind him with the school nurse and a teacher. The others and Jinyoung were lying in the floor with bloods all over their face. Jungkook stood up and turn around to look at Taehyung he saw Taehyung looking back at him with teary eyes and he felt guilty,it felt like he was stabbed. 'if I had not ignored him he won't have left' he thought and his eyes got teary too, Taehyung was hugging bogum as if Jinyoung will get to him again if he let go.

The nurse walk towards Taehyung but Taehyung pushed her away and hug bogum tighter. It hurts Jungkook to see them like that and Jimin noticed it, he walk towards him and pat his back. The nurse and teacher started checking the four boys on the floor if they are still alive. While jungkook and Jimin walk towards the headmaster. "I will expel them, go home with Taehyung and I will talk to those little rascals parents." The headmaster fix his glass and walk towards the boys.

Jungkook and Jimin look back at  bogum who was carrying Taehyung bridal style,they made way for them to pass. Taehyung hands were hooked around bogum's neck as he rest his chin on bogum shoulder looking back at Jungkook with teary eyes, " I'm sorry." Jungkook mumbled," it's not your fault Jungkook hyung." Jimin said patting Jungkook back. " And Jungkook call your father for me,how did you even beat them all?." The headmaster added as he shook his head in disbelief, no one has been able to beat Jinyoung and it was a surprise thing seeing him on the ground with broken nose,bursted lips and swollen eyes.

Like their headmaster have ordered, Jungkook called their parents to school. Jinyoung and his gang got expel but Seokjin was determine to make them spend summer holiday in prison while Namjoon suggest Taehyung stay at home for a week. Jungkook woke up and stretch his hand to smack his alarm. He groan and stood up adjusting his PJs and got out of his bed, he went to his bathroom and did his morning routine before going downstairs still wearing his PJs. Today was Saturday and he was so excited, school is like hell. (Don't believe that, school is fun!)

   Jungkook went to the kitchen and took a banana milk, he unscrewed the cap and bolt the drink. "Ahhhh, how can I live without you." He whispered staring at the empty can on his right hand before throwing it away. Thinking about what he said seconds ago as he slowly walk back to the living room, he started thinking of Taehyung and as if God wants to punish him Taehyung walk downstairs and sat on a couch.

He was wearing a baggy white trouser and a white polo shirt with a blue sweater on top.

My poor heart can't take this anymore

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My poor heart can't take this anymore.💘💘

He was looking so innocent as always and it melt Jungkook's heart. Taehyung hug his knees while staring at the white tiles as if it was something interesting, Jungkook gulp and sat on the opposite couch as quiet as he could in other not to scare him with his eyes glued on the innocent boy. Ever since what happened, they didn't talk to each other.

  For Jungkook it was mostly because bogum was glued to Taehyung twenty four hours like the bubble gum Taehyung named him. But for Taehyung he doesn't want to talk with Jungkook yet even though he wants to so badly. He was feeling very embarrass around the older and hurt because what happened to him might not have happened if Jungkook didn't ignore him. He was embarrassed and hurt.

Jungkook tried to talk with Taehyung but he stop himself when he heard the younger mumbling some words. He frown a little and concentrate more to get what Taehyung was actually saying but he couldn't. 'What in the world is he speaking?' Jungkook thought making a 'what the hell' look. He shrug it off and decided to call the younger out of his wattpad world but a certain person that always make Jungkook annoyed bolt towards them and plop on the couch Taehyung was sitted on.

   Jungkook hands clench,his teeth grit against each other as he watch bogum getting Taehyung's attention. "Hyungie... your hair looks messy." Taehyung said with a soft low voice and started combing bogum's hair with his long fingers. Bogum smiled when Taehyung put all his concentration on making his hair look good that's why as soon as Taehyung was done he pressed a kiss on his nose making Jungkook blood to boil in the highest temperature and the worst part was that Taehyung crunch his face beautifully and giggle.

Jungkook sworn if Taehyung could just leave them alone now he will twist this fucker neck and pull it off from his body. He like as Taehyung was happy he was glad Taehyung was happy but he wants the reason to be him. He wants to be the reason of Taehyung happiness that why he is angry and controlling himself so hard so that he won't do something he will regret later. Bogum finally notice some one else was in the living room. He smirked,a smirk that was telling Jungkook that 'taehyung is mine not yours.' before pulling the clueless innocent boy into a tight hug.

He place smooches all over the giggling boy's face as he hug him tight. Taehyung thought it was all platonic because he was used to bogum kissing all over his face like a puppy, his parents have seen it too and they know bogum love Taehyung but they think it's platonic just like Taehyung is thinking so it was nothing but a platonic affection to him.

If am Jungkook I will just go and hit my head on the nearest wall and then leave the house to give them space. 😁

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