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Jungkook stare at the patek on his left wrist,counting in his head though he was impatient to hear the sound of a bell. After about two minutes the sound of bell resonate around the area, Jungkook grab the paper bag beside him and smiled widely. " they are closed boss." His secretary informed from the driver sit and jungkook nodded.

Two muscular suited men came down from the car behind his expensive car, one stood beside the door like a soldier while the other one open his car door. Jungkook landed his shinning black shoes on the pavement and came out of his car, standing straight tall while giving his father guards a simple nod in appreciation.

Because of how popular he had become, his mother suggested he have guards following him around the city and Mr Jeon immediately assign two of his loyal guards for the job, Jungkook whined about it for days and even told his Appa and eomma about it and the both of them sided with Mr and Mrs Jeon and left him with no choice other than obeying.

The ladies who walks passed him stare in awe and began drooling in their spots, while some boys stare at him in admiration and others stare at him with jealousy. His black hair was parted in two and was resting on his temples, his black office suit was literally screaming money. His eyes roaming around, as they stare back at the ladies who were unable to see his eyes because of his sunglass.

Soon some of the passerby began taking photos of him, jungkook didn't mind though, it wasn't the first time he got snapshot in public.

Jungkook proudly walk towards the huge building in front of him with his secretary behind him and the gate keeper immediately bow down his head after opening the gate for him. He then reach the building, his eyes roaming around behind his sunglass, searching for his little cutie until he heard the familiar voice.


Jungkook tilted his head to the direction, ignoring the side gossip began hearing from the teachers who were staring at him as his little fluffball ran into his strong arms. "yay!" Jungkook crouch down and lifted her up and twirl her around, earning soft giggles from the little cutie with gummy smile who squeal with happiness and scream, "Daddy" continously.

Jungkook carefully put her down and peck her lips, "How is my angel doing?" Min Cho, the beautiful Min female giggled and nodded her head. "Fine." She answered correctly and Jungkook smiled. Jungkook then tilted his head to look at the teachers behind them who were busy gossiping, he sugh and look back at his sister who was playing with his tie.

"You are making everyone think i'm a single parent." Jungkook bump her little nose with his and let out a stifle laugh when he saw her grin, showcasing her pearl white and gently take off her barbie backpack, "The paperbag Soobin." His secretary quickly hand over the paperbag and Jungkook grab it and showed her what was inside the paperbag. "nana milk!" Cho squeal and shove her little hands inside to grab the banana milk, her doe eyes has spotted while jungkook and soobin coo at her.

"thanku" she mumbled and the elders giggled at her incorrect word. "That's my girl, now come let's go to my company. You wanna see Nayeon don't you?" Jungkook asked lifting her up and she bubbly nodded, her little hands tightly wrapped around the banana bottle while her small heart shape lips like hoseok's  were wrapped around the sealed cap of the banana milk.

Soobin went to talk to her teacher to let her know they are taking her before rushing to the car where jungkook and cho were patiently waiting for him. He hop into the driver seat and close the door before driving.

"Oh my God! baby Cho!" Nayeon, the receptionist of jungkook's fashion company ululated as soon as she spotted the baby in her boss arms. She left her sit and bow at Jungkook before carrying the giggling girl out of jungkook's grip. "Aww you've come to visit me today." Nayeon lifted her up and she screech, with her mouth wide open making Jungkook and some of his workers who spotted them to coo.

Jungkook didn't mind leaving his sister with his workers, he knows how whipped they all are for the four years old girl and how each one of them adores her. This is how hoseok got lucky and less stressed because Cho is always with jungkook. But hoseok would always call to know how she is doing and also send someone to bring her some cookies and cakes accompany with banana milk.

  The front glass door of the building suddenly slide open, and a cute mysterious male with feminine body, plaint pink lips and long blonde hair dash into the reception hall with a pink lunch bag. He was wearing a black pant with a pink hoodie and white sneakers.

The three of them whip their head towards his direction and nayeon whistle after seeing the male, Jungkook just snifle his laugh and drift his gaze to his daze secretary. "Mr Choi can you please get the lunch bag from hueningkai." Soobin snap back to reality after hearing jungkook's monotone voice, he gave his boss a nod and walk towards the smaller male who was shyly blushing under his gaze. " Ah, Mr Min said i should give this to Mr. Jeon, i-it's for both him and baby Cho." he stuttered while avoiding any eye contact and Soobin nodded like a robot and took the bag before walking away, leaving the boy dumbfound.

'Can't he at least say thank you even if he is not the one eating the food.' The boy known as hueningkai pouted while staring at his back before turning around and slowly left. Jungkook smiled as Soobin handed over the lunch bag to him, the handsome boss then motion to Nayeon to bring Cho as he went towards the elevator while another female worker take care of the reception desk.

Once Jungkook and nayeon where out of sight, Soobin sighed in relieve and ran outside the company earning weird glance from the worker in the reception desk.

   He made a turn, looking around and spotted the male walking towards the bus station direction and quicly ran after him but he was already late, a car pulled over and he saw hueningkai talking to the person with a smile and got inside the car before the car sped out of his sight.

'Shit! i messed up big time!' He groan, pulling a handful of his hair.

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