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Taehyung observe his look on the full length mirror after putting on a new outfit, he walk out of the changing room and went to sit on the vanity in the makeup room where three ladies were already waiting for him.

They greeted him with a smiled and sat him down on the armchair and one of them began styling his lilac hair while another apply a light makeup on his face. The other lady showed him four different type of expensive wristwatch and he instantly pick the smaller one with glittering diamond around the glass.

The lady then put it on his wrist and showed him some rings. "Two will be okay, right hand." he mumbled and the lady nodded and slip them into his forefinger and pinky. Once they were done, taehyung smiled at his ethereal reflection in the mirror and got up.

He silently make his way to the set, greeting some staffs along the way.

"Hear me out Lily, I didn't kill  Sana i swear." Jimin said walking towards the fair girl with long wavy hair and catlike eyes.

"No! You are a liar Minhyuk! Stay away from me!" She yelled, backing away until she misstepped. Taehyung immediately walk into the set and stood few feets away from them both. "You! Back off!" He yelled, pointing at Jimin and the latter quickly put on the hood of his black hoodie and ran away.

"Cut!" The director yelled and gave the actors and actress a hand of applause as taehyung helped up Lily to get on her feet. "Thanks Tae, I'm so glad this is the last episode in season two. I have to go to my hometown, my brother is having an engagement party." She smiled widely, as they both get off the set and approach Jimin who was already sitting on a armchair.

"Really?" Taehyung smiled at her and she nodded. "You did great Guys. And i like your facial expression there Dalsoo." Jimin grinned at the director before doing some friendship handshake with taehyung. While Dalsoo side hug their director. "So next season is between you guys acting all lovey dovey." Jimin smirk at Taehyung and Dalsoo making Taehyung internally roll his eyes while Dalsoo blush and shyly look away.

"And it's gonna end with me whooping your ass at the final episode." Dalsoo laughed at Jimin who just scoffed at Taehyung comeback before drifting his gaze to their director who was smiling.

"Show us the scene Mr. Song." Taehyung told their director and the man showed them the scene. After watching the scene with satisfaction Taehyung and Jimin both bid goodbye to Dalsoo and the other actors before going to their van with their assistants

"Gosh am so exhausted." Jimin whine, stretching here and there inside the van while Taehyung gave him a dirty look. "What?" he asked, grabbing his phone to chat with his boyfriend. "You only showed up once in this last episode and you're complaining, do you know how many times i had to go change and all that?" Taehyung asked but Jimin just gave him a soft smile.

"You should have acted my character then." Taehyung shook his head quickly. "I don't wanna play a murderer. It fits you more--so why are you complaining." Taehyung scoff, and look through the window. "You lucky 'fucking shit'."

Yeah, Taehyung is not as innocent as before. He sometimes act naughty and say bad words. So Jimin isn't surprise when he called him 'fucking shit'.

"Jimin." Taehyung suddenly called after some minutes of silence in the van and the aforementioned just hummed in respond while typing away in his phone. "Let's go to Blackpink mask club this evening, It has been long since i went to a club."

Taehyung said, and Jimin just nodded without looking at him, still typing away on his phone. Taehyung frown at the behaviour and lean close to take a look at what Jimin was doing, without the other noticing.

To: My P💘P

Whatcha doin' babe?

From: My p💘p

M jst lying down, doin' nothin'.

To: My P💘P

Mmmm, so wat re u wearing?

From: My P💘P

Mmmm, nothing.

To: My P💘P

😳🤯😳 really?

From: My P💘P

yeah really.

of course not!

To: My P💘P

but you just told me u re not wearing anything, you little tease. 🙃

From: My P💘P

you didn't get a boner right? 🤣🤣🤣

Taehyung forgot  that he was spying on Jimin and began laughing like a witch, startling the latter who almost jump out through the window.

"Blood of christ! Taehyung!" Jimin screech and tilt his head to glare at his best friend who was clutching his stomach and at same time laughing.

"Sorry not sorry." Taehyung laughed and waved him off.

"you two are dirty." Taehyung scrunch his face and Jimin scoffed loudly. "Says the boy who does naughty everytime he got the chance


Jungkook frowned as he entered his office and saw a gorgeous lady sitting on his swivel chair, slowly spinning around.

"hey what brought you here?" he asked, taking off his suit jacket. The lady simply roll her eyes then she fold her hands. "Is that how to welcome me, you coconut." She said, with an offended tone and jungkook just chuckled, shaking his head.

"Well, since i am the one coming in, even if this is my office you should be the one welcoming me." Jungkook grinned at her and she scoffed, getting up from his chair to go sit on the couch.

"You look down in the dump, what happened?" He asked, sitting down on his chair. "Rose happened--oh not this again." Jungkook whine loudly and slam his head on his desk.

"Please Jungkook, just this last time." the lady said, walking towards him with a big pout.

"What do you want now lisa--act like my boyfriend." Lisa said quickly before jungkook could even complete her name. "Jesus christ, can't you just forget about that girl." Jungkook said and Lisa smack the back of his head making him look up at her in disbelief.

"You are a bad friend jungkook, you haven't forgotten about Taehyung after so many years and even if he is dating bogum but you want me to forget about someone that is literally close to me and single. your coconut head must be malfunctioning." Jungkook huffed and look away.

"Fine, just this once. Where are we going?" Jungkook asked furrowing. "Blackpink mask club." Lisa did puppy eyes to Jungkook who gave her a 'WTF' look.

"Fine." Jungkook grit and Lisa jumped in victory, she grab his face and peck his cheeks, running out of the office without even saying thank you. "Is she for real?" Jungkook asked, now staring at his close office door with a disbelief look.

He darted his gaze to his cell phone when the device started ringing.

He grab the phone and stare at the caller id before answering the caller.

"Sup MJ?"

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