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Jungkook sighed deeply as he reach the bar. He took a sit and told the bartender to pour him a drink. His attention was soon diverted to two sexy females who walk into the Vip and began dancing at the middle of the room.

Jungkook huffed, blinking his eyes, his mouth gape as the girls slowly began to take off their clothes. He felt his face heating up but maybe it was the aircon, it was definitely the aircon.

error he is simply in denial

Jungkook was about to look away when one of the girls made eye contact with him.

he cleared his throat and still look away, hanging his head low, wondering why exactly is it that girls that are so beautiful that should be well educated and end up with a good husband material have to do things like this. But who can he actually blame, the girls or their parents.

His head immediately shut up when he felt a hand on his back. The bartender winked at him and continue selling for other people. His stool was spin around and the one thing jungkook didn't ever want to face happened to him.

He couldn't stand the fact that the girl he made eye contact with was now seducing him but he couldn't push her away either. His mind kept contemplating between this two things.

Stop her rudely or just let her do her thing and go.

Everyone eyes in the section was now on their two except those who were busy eating each other's face, i.e MinHyuk couple.

The girl smiled sweetly, as she caress Jungkook's chest. The latter gulped hard awkwardly looking around as if searching for help but the people who were staring at him were all smiling.

'I'm never coming here.' He thought.


Someone yelled making everyone to stop their actions and tilt their head towards the direction.

A tall slender male wearing a black silk sleeve shirt and a black pant slowly made his way towards the two. Jungkook squint his eyes in comfusion as he stare at the farmiliar figure, as soon as the twisting bulb shine his light on the male's face Jungkook was left stun.


"Yah!" He yelled again, staring at the stripper who has a deep frown on her face.

"Do not touch what is mine." He said without hesitation and that was clear for Jungkook to know Taehyung was really drunk, considering he kept swaying his body.

The girl dart her gaze between Taehyung and Jungkook before asking. "Do you know this drunk man?"

Jungkook swallowed hard, a lot of people were staring at them which made him extremely comfortable since the girl was still caressing his exposed chest.

"Yah! Aish..." Jungkook jolt out of his stool as Taehyung abruptly push the girl away making her fall with her butt.

"Don't you think i am being nice?" Taehyung asked, a silly smile on his lips as he stare at the girl who was still on the floor while laughing.

"You crazy bastard!" The girl yelled back at him, Taehyung laugh immediately died down, his eyes moving around the counter, he grab a bottle of whisky and began walking towards the girl but Jungkook grab his wrist and took the bottle out of his hand, people were now surrounding then while the other stripper help her friend to get on.her feet.

"Crazy bastard?! She just called be a crazy bastard, let go of me and i'll tell her the meaning of a crazy bastard!" Taehyung yelled as Jungkook wrap an arm around his petite waist and began pulling towards the door.

Jimin quickly ran towards them and tried to calm Taehyung but the latter was not in the mood of taking classes, Jimin words were following one of his ear and coming out of the other.

"Let go of me!" Taehyung continue yelling as he throw his legs in the air. "Chim." Jungkook called and the aforementioned looked at him. "My credit card is inside my pant left pocket, take it and pay for the mess. I'll take Taehyung home." Jungkook said and Jimin nodded, he took the credit card and left.

Jungkook sighed as Taehyung began shouting loudly. He scoop the younger into his arms and take him to his car, not forgetting to put his seat belt. He hop into the driver seat and drove off to his house while Taehyung kept shouting throughout the whole ride.

Once Jungkook reach his house, he carried the younger into his room although he kept shouting. "Taehyung please, calm down okay, she is not here." Jungkook said with a soft voice, hoping to calm the male who was on fire.

Taehyung quiet down but his action left Jungkook shocked.


Taehyung smiled in satisfaction after slapping the older who was still shocked. "Jeon Jungkook! belongs to Kim Taehyung!" Taehyung yelled at the top of his lung.

"Jeon Jungkook belongs to Kim Taehyung!" Taehyung continue yelling until he was tired and sat on the edge of Jungkook's bed. The latter gulped hard, his left cheek was dark red because of Taehyung hard slap that came in contact with it.

Jungkook took a deep breath, counting in his head to calm himself before crouching down in front of the younger who was now crying like a baby, he slowly reach for the younger's mask and carefully remove it.

"Taehyung-ah, I belong to you." Jungkook smiled his bunny smile in display as Taehyung look at him. "I'm all yours Tae." He said with a low tone that made Taehyung calm.

"Really?" Taehyung asked, his lips morphing into a pout. Jungkook smile widely and nodded. "Yes, i'm all you--" Jungkook eyes widen in surprise as Taehyung grab his collar and pull him into a kiss.

He let himself being embraced and kissed by the younger until he was out of breath and pull away. Jungkook blinks as Taehyung stare deep into his eyes with his ocean blue orbs. "Why are you so cute?" He inquired, his lips slowly curving into a soft smile as he cup the younger cheek with his large palm.

Taehyung giggled like a cute lil boy before laying his head on Jungkook's chest, feeling his heartbeat that sounds like a melodious song to his ears then he slowly began to fall asleep.

"Taehyung-ah." Jungkook called, running his fingers through the male's hair. "I love--purrr." Jungkook pursed his lips and slowly smile as Taehyung began to snore.

He let the younger sleep on top him for some minutes before laying him down beside him. He sat up and grab the comforter, spreading it above Taehyung's body before going out of the room.

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