😔 reason👌

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The moment Jungkook step foot in his parents compound, he felt a shiver running down his spine. It felt cold, and as quiet as a cemetery unlike the place he came from which is always warm and noisy. The mansion looks bigger and much expensive than the one he have been living in, but that isn't what Jungkook is currently thinking about even though he was staring at the facade of the enormous mansion.

He kept thinking of how taehyung has kissed him earlier, Jungkook couldn't believe taehyung has took the first step but his mind keeps pondering about why. Why has taehyung kissed him when he is dating bogum, did he just want to ruin Jungkook, play with his feelings or was he thinking of double timing. Jungkook didn't know why, but he was glad he did, for taehyung Jungkook wouldn't mind anything. Even if he'll get hurt, Jungkook still wants taehyung. He needs him.

His train of thought was soon interrupted by a formal lady who was dressed in black suit, hair tied in ponytail and roll up in a tight bun.

She look like the chief female servant. "Good morning sir, Mr and Mrs Jeon are this way please, follow me." With her monotone voice jungkook was sure she is definitely the chief servant. Jungkook nodded, with a deep sigh, a little air slipping out of his mouth, he clench his hands into fists and followed the lady's trail.

'here comes nothing.'

"Oh, Ggukkie, you're here!" Mrs Jeon exclaimed once she saw Jungkook entering their dinning room, it didn't even seems like a room to Jungkook, it was a hall with high ceilings, a beautiful chandelier at the middle which illuminate everywhere with its sparkling lightbulbs.

The dark brown dinning table almost seems like the ones in huge companies meeting room, it was really long and Jungkook wonder why when they were just two people using it and he is curious why Mrs Jeon is always calling him 'Ggukkie'

"You can leave Mrs Song." Mr Jeon said and the lady beside Jungkook bow at them, Jungkook also returning the gesture before she skip out of the hall and close the long double doors.

Jungkook gulped and return his gaze back to his parents, mentally thanking God he had a jacket on, the aircon was really hitting his senses.

"Come, we're just about to have breakfast, it's good thing you came. Good timing." Mrs Jeon smiled, showing Jungkook where he got his bunny smile from. The latter nodded and walk over, sitting his ass down on the empty chair beside Mr Jeon while his mother take the opposite.

"Good morning." He awkwardly stare at them and they both smile at him. "Good morning to you too." Jungkook nodded as if agreeing to something important. He grab his fork and dig in at the roast beef on his plate.

"Where is your luggage?" Mr Jeon curiously asked, after looking around. " I came with nothing." Jungkook replied solemnly before munching the meat he put  in his mouth and his parents both looked at him surprised.

"O-okay. Well, we already got you some clothes that will fit, we had Mrs Song arrange your room. I'm sure you will love it." Jungkook pursed his lips, before lifting up his gaze to stare at his mother, a sudden tense tension could be felt in the mansion as he stare at her without any words while Mrs Jeon stare back, gulping down her saliva in nervousness. He quietly munch the food in his mouth and then gave a short nod before looking back at his plate.

"i barely ate." he mumbled and Mr jeon lifted a brow while mrs jeon blink her eyes rapidly. "the orphanage, when i turn ten, they barely feed me. Sometimes i eat once in a day, my lucky day i eat twice." jungkook look up at his mother and smiled. He never really told anyhow how he felt when he was at the orphanage, he didn't even tell his adoptive parents how he was treated but he felt like his real parents should know. It is them who deserve to know how he was treated so they could feel the pain and the things he went through.

"sometimes my one day meal got stolen, and i sleep with an empty stomach." mrs jeon averted her gaze and jungkook didn't miss the tears that slide down her cheek even though she tried using her hair to hide it. He felt happy, to see her cry. It's not like he hated them, he just wanted them to feel his pain, for abandoning him. It was them who caused it after all.

" we are so sorry son. We didn't knew you will go through a lot after handing you to Mrs Jae." jungkook head instantly whip towards his father. "Mrs Jae?" he lifted a brow and Mr jeon nodded. "We left you under her care, thinking she we watch over you like her own son." Mr jeon explained, his fingers clasps together on top the table.

Jungkook stare at him for a while and scoff loudly, making his parents drift their gaze at him. "Are you seriously kidding me right now, that lady died before i had teeth, i didn't remember her taking care of me at all. I only saw her obituary poster on the wall outside the cafeteria!" jungkook yelled and his parents eyes widen in realization as they both exchange a knowing look.

"that was why she didn't take our calls." They both said to each other before darting their gaze to jungkook who has a deep frown on his face. "honey trust me we tried looking for you, that orphanage was moved to seoul from busan. People said a rich man bought the land and the owner had to move the orphanage. After the fight we came back searching for you trust us, we didn't mean to abandon you."

Jungkook frown deepen even more. "fight? what fight?" he asked staring at the both of them confusingly and Mr Jeon took a deep breath. "I- i used to be a mafia son." jungkook stare at his father, he suddenly forgot how to breath, his mouth gape and round eyes wide open while his parents nervously stare back at him.


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