🗣️untold truth🏰

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Yoongi look around hoseok room and frowned, he has been searching for the latter all over the mansion. He sighed and quietly walk towards the door, once he was out of the room he shut the door close and rested his head on the frame.

'if i was you, where would i go, where will i go? Come on, come on, think' he began banging his head against the door frame as if his brain was malfunctioning, he was desperately trying to think of where the latter could be. Ever since Jungkook parents showed up, hoseok was no longer his self, he space out a lot, cry at night while holding something that belongs to their first child. Yoongi couldn't blame him though, hoseok was really happy when he find out he was pregnant, he even bought things for their baby at that time when the child was just three months old in his tummy, yoongi couldn't forget how happy hoseok was when he learnt their child was a male.

He would always rant about carrying the Mins heir. whine, when he didn't get yoongi's attention why saying it was the baby who was seeking for his attention, even when he would wake the older up at 2pm because of his weird food craving he would say it was their baby.

Yoongi chuckled remembering those moment. Hoseok was really happy back then.

   Sang hoon. Hoseok wanted their son to be called Sang hoon.

"i'm sure he is going to look so much like you, i can feel his energy. I want him to be called sang hoon. People believe names have effects, so just in case our son look as grumpy as you he won't ever be misunderstood the way you were when we were younger so i think Sang hoon we have a great effect on him."

"so am always looking grumpy, wow."

"what?!, that is not what i meant. I mean i want him to be benevolent, that's the meaning of his name."

"but you just said in case he look as grumpy as me."

"aniii, that isn't what i meant."

Yoongi chuckled, putting the knuckle of his index finger between his teeth. If you were inside that mansion and spotted him at the moment you'd think he is going *whistle*

'Jungkook's room.'

the moment he heard a voice in his head, telling him to check jungkook's room, he wasted no time and bolted towards the male's room.


Hoseok sniff loudly, trying to refrain himself from crying as he heard yoongi's deep voice behind him, but he was already crying. "it's okay." Yoongi said calmly as he walk toward jungkook's bed, where hoseok was currently sitting down while hugging one of  jungkook's white turtle neck sweater." he is not coming back Yoongs. He is not!" hoseok cried loudly as yoongi gently grab his nape and hug him, patting his back.

" we don't know yet love, i think he needs sometime." Hoseok pulled away, his eyes bloodshot from all the crying, and mucus rilling out from his nose but he didn't care. He wanted his Kookie back.

Yoongi sighed shakily, his husband appearance was breaking his heart. Just when they thought they finally have a perfect family and their triangle shape is stronger, Mr and Mrs Jeon had to show up and take away their joy. Hoseok suddenly gag, clutching his stomach which made Yoongi worried.

he stood up quickly and bolted towards Jungkook's lavatory. Yoongi entered the cleaned bathroom only to see his husband pouring out all the food he had in dinner into the toilet bowl.

"I-i feel dizzy." Yoongi eyes enlarge in size as Hoseok lost consciousness, luckily he was fast enough to wrap his arms around the younger before his head could hit the basin beside him.

Jungkook stare down at the three headstone in front of him, the first one has a name.

'Jeon Jeonbul'

engrave on it and below it was some year. The name on the other headstone was

'Jeon Summi'

while the last one was

'Ahn Ahnjong'

"This is your grandfather's grave." Mr jeon said, Jungkook drifted his gaze back to the first headstone. "this one is your grandmother, My mother and that one is your mother only sister. She was still going to university, she was going for her master's degree when she got killed by my rival.

Jungkook eyes widen in shock, "what caused the fight that he began killing your family?" Jungkook asked, not bothering if his question will hurt his father

'your family'

"His daughter was in love with me, she told me she'll ruin me when she learns your mother was pregnant with you. I took her words for granted and was unprepared. I lost so many of my guards and my best friend, they put their life in the line protecting you and your mother for me.

i didn't know what to do. although Mr Kang and i were rivals we never fought. His daughter Bong cha caused all of these. My parents death, my in-law's death, my best friend's death and my guards death. Bong cha caused everything. She died last year. Plane crash while traveling."

Mr Jeon took a deep sigh and  blink his eyes rapidly. "you were born with operation and your mother was not fulling heal at that time, she even got shot on her arm that's why she never wears a short sleeve, she is friend with a dermatologist now." Mr jeon chuckled.

Jungkook felt sad after hearing his parents side story. They really went through a lot, haunted down like animals just because of a greedy wrench.

"after losing Ahnjong, We didn't want to lose our only family. You. So i came up with an idea to leave you with Mrs Jae, she was a good friend to my mother, your mother was reluctant and scared even though she knew we were putting you in good hands.

A year ago we found out Mrs. Jae died of stomach cancer when we finally found the orphange in seoul after spending years searching all the orphange center in busan where we knew it used to be. we were already too late because you got adopted. When we found out where you reside with your new family, Aera became reluctant and scared again, she said you'd hate us. Do you hate us for keeping you safe?" Mr jeon asked, darting his gaze towards jungkook who was shocked to see tears brimming in his orbs.

does he hate them? of course not, jungkook doesn't, he just felt angry because his parents abandoned him not knowing it all because of a possessive greedy bitch who fell in love with his father and tried to kill both him and his mother.

"Ani." he whispered but his father heard him clearly since the backyard of the mansion was really silent. "every male in our family has our surname name in the front our name like my father is Jeonbul my name is Jeonhyung (i just created that name, don't know if it even has meaning). You must be wondering why your mother always call you Gggukie."

Jungkook slowly turn to face his father as the man did the same, "It's because your real name, is Jeon Jeongguk."

jungkook numbly stare at his father, his brows slowly meeting as he lower his gaze. "but my neckla--we had to change your name. The Kangs are capable of anything, they won't mind killing ten people who bears similiar name if they had cross path.

" I am the only child and i didn't want the Jeon blood line to end with just a son from me. My parents, your grandparents were unable to see you but i want to see my grandchildren before i close my eyes forever." Jungkook blinks. Jeonhyung chuckled at his expression and gently pant his shoulder, "you should take a breather. Today was a long day, have some rest and make yourself comfortable. Mrs Song will lead you to your room."

Just in time the back door was open by no other than the chief servant. Jungkook looked at his father and bow before walking towards the lady.

"Goodnight Dad."

Jungkook said to him, surprising the man as he stare down at his parents grave with wide eyes, unable to respond. Jungkook sighed and went inside, leaving Jeonhyung with his thought.

hope you enjoyed? thanks for reading please don't forget to support me!

ignore errors please.

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