🏃 leaving🚶

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"Who is going to buy me Ice cream every day?" Sanha pouted, his eyes brimming with moisture. Jungkook giggled and beckon him to come over. Sanha stood up and went towards Jungkook who pulled him into a hug with hoseok still in his arms, quietly sniffing.

"That seems warm but baby won't let me join the group hug." Seokjin pouted while looking down at his big bump, making Jungkook smile. " Oh come on babe, I'm always here, the big bad wolf is always warm remember. " Namjoon rant earning an eye roll from seokjin and soft laughter from the others.

"Big bad wolf my ass." Chanyeol scoffed.

Jungkook stare at the two couple with adoration as they cuddle on the couch, Seokjin was cuddling to Namjoon's side, while baekhyun was sitting beside chanyeol with a blanket over their body. Minhyuk also stood up and walk towards Jungkook to join the group hug and jimin soon followed.

He then darted his gaze expectantly to the other couch where taehyung was but in that moment he wished he didn't look at him. Taehyung was sitted like a statue, tears gathered in his orbs for not blinking his eyes as he stare at Jungkook.

He look utterly numb, almost as if he was lifeless. Jungkook didn't know what to do, he darted his gaze towards bogum who was already staring down at taehyung, with his jaw clenching before throwing Jungkook a glare.

Jungkook was about to say something when taehyung stood up and ran upstairs. Bogum stood up as well as also left after telling everyone he was going to bed. The couples stare at both them retreating figures confusingly then shrugged it off.

Yoongi came back and sat down at the spot bogum and taehyung were once occupying. "I have talked to Mrs Jeon, she'll be sending the address soon. "Jungkook hummed, burying his face into hoseok's soft fluffy dark lock, inhaling the strawberry scent it gave off with a smile plastered on his face but in the inside Jungkook was still having a little trouble.

Taehyung has gone upstairs and bogum was with him, Jungkook didn't know what to do. 'he won't hurt him, he might he obsessed but he'll never hurt him'. With that thought, Jungkook sighed in relieve and close his eyes shut.

Jungkook slowly flicker his eyes open, his cheek pressed against the plush tiles of the mansion. He then lifted his head and look around, seeing the others sprawled around the coffee table on the floor. Jungkook didn't really remember how they all ended up sleeping on the floor in the living room but he sure remembered taehyung has went upstairs last night.

He carefully unwrap Sanha and Minhyuk's hands off his chest and torso before getting up with a low grunt. He skip his way towards the stairs and went to his room to shower first, since he didn't bathe the previous night.

Once he was done, he slipped on a new plane white polo and a black denim jean before putting on his black boot. He grab his leather black jacket and took his motorcycle key, shoving it into his back pocket before putting on a summer sunglass. He then skip his way towards his door and open it, his eyes enlarging behind the glass as he saw taehyung standing in front of his room.

He look so beautiful with his messing mint coloured hair, his cheeks were dusted pink and his lower lip were overly pink, Jungkook could tell he has being bitting on it. Jungkook thought were interrupted as the younger instantly hit his chest with his little fist, almost completely pushing him back into his room.

"Why are you leaving?! It's because of me, isn't it?! Do you really hate me that much that you decided to leave Hoseok hyungie?! Why are you doing this to me?! What have I done to you?! Wae?!" Taehyung yelled, frustratedly while staring up at Jungkook with tears running out of his eyes.

"It's not because of you Tae." Jungkook state calmly, staring down at the younger with a lovely gaze. Taehyung, stare at him, bitting down on his lower lips as tears kept falling down from his eyes.

He slowly made a slow trip all over the elders face, from his sleek hair to his thick eyebrows and round adorable eyes which was behind the summer sun glass, resting on top his cute sculptured nose, then finally his pair of thin pinkish lips. Taehyung walk closer to him as if under some sort of spell and grab his nape, Jungkook eyes widened behind his glass.

Is taehyung really kissing him or was he hallucinating.

Jungkook didn't believe it, until he felt the younger pulling on his lower lip softly. He wasted no time and wrap his arm around the younger's thin waist and kiss back. Even if he was hallucinating Jungkook didn't want to miss this moment, he has being craving for this. He felt taehyung stepping on his boot to keep his height as he deepen the kiss, Jungkook slowly move back inside, and close the door, all those while taehyung was standing on his boot.

He didn't feel much pain though, since the younger was light. Jungkook gently pressed taehyung's back against the closed door as they both hungrily kiss. After some more minutes, they disengage, panting for oxygen while gasping into each other's mouth, their gaze not tearing apart from each other's eyes. Jungkook couldn't dwell on the excitement that he felt after getting kissed by taehyung because the moment they separated their lips, taehyung throw his previous questions at him again.

"Then why are you leaving? Why are leaving us." Taehyung cried, as he whispered to Jungkook, gripping the latter's jacket while resting his head on his chest. "Is it because of me--no." Jungkook immediately cut him off, shaking his head.

Taehyung slowly lift up his gaze to stare at the older. "Then why are you leaving?" He mumbled through soft sniffles. Jungkook felt his heart shattering just by staring at taehyung's red tears streak face. "Because I want to. I'm doing this for me Tae, it is not because of you or anyone else. I want to know the reason why I was abandoned, the reason why they didn't come to look for me all these years, the reason why a good childhood was taken away from me. I want to know the untold truth." Jungkook sadly smile, before pulling taehyung into a hug.

Taehyung flutter his lashes, he didn't know what to do after realizing how selfish he was. All Jungkook wanted was to experience how it will feel to be with his real parents and learns the truth, but taehyung didn't want him to leave and for that reason, he was selfish.

Sanha wiped his tears away although fresh ones Immediately ran down his cheeks. "I'll be back I promise." Jungkook told them once he got on his motorcycle. He then look at everyone, before lifting up his gaze.

Taehyung was staring down at him from his window. He slowly lifted up his palm as a sign of  'goodbye' and Jungkook just nodded in acknowledgement before putting on his helmet.

"I love y'all."

He told them and drove out of the compound, leaving the mansion and towards his parents house.

Yoongi sighed after looking over at hoseok who was crying with Sanha. "Oh please, you guys are making me emotional!" Seokjin whine, sniffingly and baekhyun chortled and began caressing his back.

"It's okay guys, let's go inside." Jimin said, leading everyone inside the house. " Um, I'll be leaving since he is gone." Yoongi announced and walk towards Hoseok.

Hoseok smiled when he felt his husband lips on his forehead. "Take care, hun." He waved, staring at yoongi who gave him his soft adorable smile in return. "Always will, bye and I love you." Yoongi sent a flying kiss towards Hoseok and got into his car before speeding out of the compound.

"I wonder how his and namjoon car is still in a good shape." Seokjin scoffed and baekhyun laughed, urging Hoseok to do the same. The latter smiled and shook his head.

ignore errors please.

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