Chapter 5: A Ghostly Encounter

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3rd POV

When Dawn and Grim got upstairs, they were in the hallway of Ramshackle Dorm and it looked just as messy as it did downstairs.

While Dawn is looking up and down the hallways for a bucket, she heard a sudden loud creak that startled her.

'I don't like this feeling....', she thought as she turned around. As she did she came face to face with three ghosts wearing capes and top hats and then quickly disappeared; she was getting a little bit scared now.

An eerie chuckle was heard throughout the hallway when a voice spoke. , "We haven't had a guest in so long..."

"I'm itching for some action.", said another voice.

Then out of the blue, the three ghosts appeared again and one of them gave off a spooky laugh. "Ghooooosts!", Dawn screamed from the top of her lungs as she saw the spectres before her; never in her wildest dreams that she thought she would encounter real ghosts.

"What are you freaking out...", but before Grim could finish his sentence, he saw the three ghosts which were chasing Dawn down the hall right in his direction and screamed. "Gyaaaaaa!!! G-g-g-ghoooosts!!!."

"The people who lived here got scared of us and left.", explained the small ghost.

"We've been looking for more ghost pals. How about you guys?", asked the chubby ghost.

"No way! I just turn 16 and I'm not ready to pass on; I haven't even lived my life to the fullest yet!",  Dawn exclaimed in a panicked state.

Grim was holding on to the girl's leg for protection, he was just as frightened as Dawn was about what the ghost said, but then he stepped forward and shouted, "Grim the Great Magician isn't scared of some ghosts!!!"

At that moment, Grim started launching fire all over to attack the ghosts. But every time he attacked, he ended up missing his target.

"Where were you aiming?", asked the skinny ghost.

"Over here, over here! Heeheehee!", the chubby ghost taunted him.

"Shoot! Stop disappearing!", Grim demanded as he attacked the ghosts again.

Dawn had to take cover on the floor just so she could avoid getting hit by Grim's fireballs. "Stop it or you're going to burn down this whole place!", she shouted at Grim while trying to take control of the situation; it was then that she noticed something from him, got up and asked, "Are you closing your eyes when you breathe fire?"

"Shut up! Don't try to give me orders!", Grim snapped back at the girl.

Dawn was getting fed up with Grim's attitude, but she knew that she needed his help with this problem so she decided that a little persuasion might get him in line. "I'll give you a can of tuna."

The moment Dawn offer him a reward for his help, he was almost tempted to help this human. "Wah...!? Mmmgmm, I-I'm a genius. I won't let one..."

Just as Grim was about to decline to help the girl, the ghosts appeared all around the pair and laughed. A shocked Grim exclaimed, "Bunch of cowards gaining upon us!"

"I'll make it two cans if you help.", Dawn offered to hope this will get his help.

At that moment, Grim looked determined to fight knowing he will get something good out of this. "Hey you, tell me where the ghosts are!"

"My name is Dawn Baldwin for your information!", she exclaimed. But there was no time to argue as the ghosts were circling them and needed to fight.

Determined to keep the ghost at bay, Dawn shouted her command at Grim, "Attack on you left!"

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