Chapter 55: A Sudden Realization

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3rd POV

Dawn was now back in bed in her room after getting some fresh air as she was feeling sleepy; she sighed as she remembered the stranger with horns who somehow intrigued her as she wondered who he might be. As she processed her thoughts, the wave of sleep finally overcame her, she closed her eyes and went into a deep slumber. Time passed and soon Dawn felt a weird sensation rippling throughout her body.

When Dawn opened her eyes she found herself in some cavern. At first, she was started by where she was now, but the cavern soon lit up and she was shocked to see shadows; she got a better view and noticed that the shadows belonged to hundreds of hyenas. Soon the hyenas were marching through the caverns in rows as they were all looking up at something. 'Animals are marching...?', Dawn thought as she turned to see who or what the hyenas were looking at; sitting on top of a pillar was a loin with a black mane standing high above them.

The lion had neon green eyes and a scar across his left one. The lion had a sadistic smile as he addressed his army. "A shiny new era is tip-toeing nearer.", he said. One of the hyenas stepped out of the crowd and asked the lion, "And where do we feature?"

"Just listen to teacher.", the lion answered as he pinched the hyena's cheek. Soon, his smile widened as he looked back at the marching hyenas. "We're going to kill Mufasa. And Simba, too. Then I will be king!", he proudly proclaimed. At his declaration, the hyenas laughed and cheered, but Dawn could only look on in horror at what this lion was planning to do. "Great idea! Long live the king! Long live the king!", the hyenas cheered.

From his spot, the lion made a decree. "My teeth and ambitions are bared. Be prepared!" The lion and the hyenas were laughing sinisterly at what was about to come. Dawn felt frightened by what was happening and wanted to discover his plans; the moment she tried to get closer, she felt her body getting heavy and closed her eyes. Before she completely lost consciousness, she asked, "Why didn't they try to talk it out first? Why did he want to be king so badly?"

Dawn opened her eyes and saw she was back in her room at the Ramshackle Dorm; she rubbed her eyes as she felt herself waking up. Perry saw her, jumped on her shoulder and rubbed her cheek with his. "Kyu, kyu.", she squeaked. Dawn giggled, patted his head and said, "Good morning, Perry." Her thoughts soon turned towards that dream she just had and what it was about; the moment she remembered she went a bit pale. 'Another dream about animals?', she thought as she remembered the lion and hyenas featured in it.

Before she could wonder more about this, the door in her room opened and Grim marched right in and jumped on the bed. "Oh, you're up. Breakfast has already started. Let's get going!", he told her. Seeing what time it was, Dawn got out of bed and helped the ghosts with making breakfast, while Grim and Perry got the table set. After everyone was finished eating, Dawn got herself washed up and dressed, packed her bag and headed to school.


Out on Main Street, Dawn was heading towards the campus with Grim right by her side and Perry riding on her shoulder. "Oh yeah, did you go somewhere last night? You were gone when I woke up from the bathroom.", Grim asked her. "Kyu.", Perry squeaked as he nodded his head, wondering where she was as well.

Dawn stopped walking after hearing Grim's question. "Oh well, last night I...", she explained what happened last night; she talked about how she went outside to get some fresh air and how she met a mysterious stranger with black horns on his head who appeared at the Ramshackle Dorm last night. As she talked about him, she remembered how enchanting he was with those beautiful, green eyes of his and how he spoke with such a strong, yet gentle voice; just thinking about him somehow made Dawn's heart race for some reason.

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