Chapter 38: A Proper Unbirthday Party

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Dawn's POV

Days passed after Riddle and the others visited me; my wounds had healed perfectly and I was a little nervous about how the Revenge Unbirthday Party would turn out. I was weary that my presence would cause a scene if I showed up, but Cater and Trey assured me that everything was going to be alright this time. Ace and Deuce were acting very strange when they came to get me at the Ramshackle Dorm and told me to wear a blindfold once we made our way to Main Street; I couldn't see anything while hearing the two of them trying to hold in their giggles as they guided me.

"Guys, what are you planning this time?", I asked with concern.

"We told you. It's a surprise.", said Ace as I recognized his voice.

"We wanted this Unbirthday Party something that you're going get excited for.", Deuce told me.

I let out a sigh and said, "Alright. But mark my words if this is some practical joke you two are playing." Ace laughed at what I said, but I know he and Deuce aren't the type to hurt me. I also heard Grim and Perry snickering a bit as well, which made me hope that this wasn't a prank.

After much walking, we came to a sudden stop and I felt Ace and Deuce let go of my hands; I waved my hands to see if anyone was present around me, but nobody was there as all I heard was silence.

"Ace? Deuce? Where are you?", I called out, but no one replied. All I heard was a mix of soft chuckles and whispers; I didn't know what was going on, so I decided to take off the blindfold. "Okay guys, it's time you told me what is going-"




As I opened my eyes, sparks of confetti and streamers went through the air; I was not expecting this at all as I also looked down to see that I was also wearing the Heartslabyul dorm uniform that Cater had given me before. I saw Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater, Grim, and Perry all looking at me with big smiles and several other boys with party poppers as well.

"SURPRISE!! Happy Birthday!!"

"Huh!? What going on!?", I was shocked by what they were doing as Cater approached me with his phone in hand.

"Why it's your birthday party of course~!", he said as he took a quick selfie of me and him and put down several hashtags for his Magicam account. "#Surpriseparty #BelatedB-Day #Sweet16"

"My birthday!? But...But my birthday was-", I tried to explain to them when Ace and Deuce came up to me with wide grins and Grim and Perry jumped on my shoulders.

"We know. Riddle still felt awful about how he treated you before and he wanted to make it up to you, we told him about how your birthday was on the same day as the entrance ceremony when you came to Twisted Wonderland.", Deuce explained.

"Since you couldn't celebrate your birthday on the actual day, we decided that the best way for you to celebrate it is to have a party here in Heartslabyul!", Ace said with a wide smile as he and Deuce dragged me towards Trey.

Trey smiled as he handed me a bouquet of red and white roses which were arranged beautifully. "This is from everybody in the dorm.", he said as he looked at his fellow dorm residents. "We're all very grateful for how you helped our Dorm Leader and you have our gratitude. Thank you, Dawn."

"Thank you so much, Prefect!"

"Please accept this bouquet as our way of saying thank you."

"Happy Belated Birthday!"

"Nyahaha! A boss has to know how to treat his minion properly!", Grim proclaimed with a wide smile.

"Kyu!", Perry squeaked as he jumped on my shoulder and hugged my cheek.

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