Chapter 39: Heartslabyul Finale

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3rd POV

Everybody was in the Rose Maze and were ready to paint the remaining white roses red; some had their magic pen and others had cans of red paint and paintbrushes.

"When was the last time you painted the roses, Riddle?", Trey asked.

"Not sure. I've left it to the other residents since becoming Dorm Leader.", Riddle told him.

"It's fun every once in a while. We've got to manage the first years, though.", said Cater.

Ace raised an eyebrow at Cater's remark and asked, "Are you talking smack about us?"

"I'm been painting roses for days, so I'm definitely better at this than Riddle!", Grim proudly proclaimed. Dawn shook her head at Grim's overconfidence, which she found pretty amusing from him. "I'd be careful with what I say if I were you Grim.", she told him.

"Kyu.", Perry squeaked as he nodded his head in agreement.

Riddle let out a small chuckle as he smirked at Grim and said, "I'll show you my skill."


Everybody was working on the rose trees; making sure that each white rose had the perfect shade of red. At first, painting the roses would be a menial chore that would cause everybody distress and agony, but now that Riddle is more open to everyone it is a lot more enjoyable; especially when Ace and Deuce challenge each other to see who can paint them the fastest.

Riddle pointed his staff toward the two boys and shouted, "You're slacking! It needs to be a deeper shade of red without flaw!"

"Y-yes.", Deuce replied, feeling a bit panicked.

"He's as strict as ever! I thought he'd eased up a bit!", Ace complained.

"This is just the kind of character he is.", Cater pointed out, defending his Dorm Leader.

"If you're going to do it, it should be perfect. To have a good party, I won't hold back. ...Hehe.", Riddle proclaimed.

Riddle's eyes soon saw Dawn; she was painting the other rose trees as well along with the others. Before she started painting the roses on the bottom, Riddle walked up to her with a small blush on his face. "Ms. Baldwin?", he said. Dawn turned around to see Riddle behind her and asked, "Yes, Riddle?"

"I... I want to say thank you again for everything you did for me and my dorm.", Riddle said with a soft smile.

"It's no big deal, Riddle. You don't need to thank me, anyone else could've done it.", said Dawn with a smile as she blushed.

"Even so, you were the one to save me and I am forever grateful to you.", Riddle said as he took Dawn's hands."Thank you for considering me as your friend, Ms. Baldwin." Dawn's smile grew wider as she held his hands tighter and said, "Riddle... there's no need to be so formal, we're friends now right? You can call me Dawn."

"Alright, Dawn.", Riddle said as he let go of her hands and plucked one of the white roses from the rose tree. He stared at Dawn for a moment and placed the rose on her (H/c) hair; Riddle felt his blush deepen seeing how the rose made her look lovely and smiled brightly. He went up to her and whispered, "I think white roses look more beautiful on you."

At that moment, Dawn felt like she was in a trance as she touched the rose placed on her head and what he said; what Riddle did make her a bit weak in the knees as she stared at him in complete surprise. "Thank you...", she said softly as she gave a lovely smile. Riddle smiled and gave a bow as he returned to the others.


Ace and Deuce saw what Riddle did and were glaring daggers at the little stunt he did with Dawn, Cater and Trey chuckled with amused smiles on their faces and took it as a friendly challenge, while Grim and Perry looked at each other and snickered; finding this little scene to be funny. Riddle gave the boys a smug smile to the boys as he waved his staff and got the remaining rose trees painted perfectly. "Okay, that does it.", Riddle said.

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