Chapter 13: The Dwarfs' Mine (Part 2) - Destiny Awakens

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Dawn's POV

After explaining my plan to Ace, Deuce, and Grim, the three of us made a quick dash back to the entrance of the Dwarfs' Mine, ready to take action.

"You... really think it'll go as planned? I'm sca... no, just nervous.", Grim asked me; I could see him sweating and shaking about what we were going to do. I bent down and petted his little head and told him, "It's alright Grim, I'm sure it'll be fine somehow. If not, then we'll just have to accept our fate." I knew that this will be a risky chance, but this was the best strategy I could come up with after seeing what kind of magic these three can do.

Just as I stood up, I felt an arm around my shoulders and looked over to see Ace smiling at me. "Haha, you're too stiff. Just go with the flow. Let's get this over with!", he told me. Hearing him say that boosted my confidence a little, with a proper plan I now know we can do this. I looked over at the three and declared, "Alright guys. Let's do this!"

"Right!", they all exclaimed and got into their positions.

Me and Grim are now standing right in front of the mine entrance ready to begin the first phase. "Hey, beasty! O-o-o-over here!", Grim yelled out. Hearing the sound of Grim's voice the monster instantly appeared before us. "Grrrrr... LeaAAAAAAAVEE!!!", it roared at the two of us.

"Gah! It's coming!", yelped Grim as he jumped into my shoulder. Now that it was aware of our presence, I shouted, "Hey beasty, over here!". I waved my arms to make sure that it only sees us right now and it did. "Come this way~!", I taunted it and quickly started to move back. "Grr!? There... thief... too. Won't give... Mine... Mine!!", it roared as it began to chase us, it was ready to deliver a powerful punch.

"Pyah! That punch looks like a knockout if it lands!", Grim screamed at the prospect of getting hit. I looked at him and said, "Just stay calm Grim! Get it as far from the tunnel as possible." After barely avoiding the attack, we kept shouting and moving around while keeping out of that's things attack range. "Go away! Go away!!", roared the creature as it swung its pickaxe around.

"It's pretty far from the tunnel now!", exclaimed Grim. With that, I looked over at that one area and shouted, "Ace, Now!"

Ace jumped out of his hiding place and shouted, "Ok, I got this! Let's go, Extra Large Tempest!" With his magical pen, he created a huge gust of wind and began to swirl it around the monster. Grim jumped off my shoulder and took a deep breath in and declared. "And the Great Grim's Fire Special! Ffgnaaaaaa!" He took in a deep breath and spew out his blue flames. The combination of the two attacks created a fiery tornado so powerful, it was making the monster cried out in pain. "Guaaaaah!!?"

"How's this? I can even fan Grim's shoddy flame into an inferno!", Ace said with a wide smirk.

"It's not shoddy! Ugh, every word out of your mouth pisses me off!", Grim shouted at Ace.

Ignoring this, I shouted, "The monster is caught in the tornado. Now's your chance, Deuce!" Hearing my voice, Deuce quickly joined us and set his gaze on the trapped creature; he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths as he told himself, "Calm down... Take aim... The biggest, heaviest... thing I know..." He pointed his pen at the creature and shouted, "Come forth, cauldron!" With a puff of smoke, a cauldron appeared above the monster and fell on top of it. "Guaaa!?", screamed the creature as it was now pinned underneath the cauldron.

"Got it! Nice work everyone!", Grim cheered while pumping his paws. "Hey, look! The monster looks flat as a pancake just like Ace earlier!", Grim said while mocking the orange-haired boy.

"You don't need to bring that up again! Jeez, today just isn't my day.", said Ace while scowling at Grim for his comment.

"Let's go get the magic crystal while that thing can't move.", Deuce declared. "He's right, now our chance to get going!", I agreed with him as we all quickly headed inside the mine while the creature remained trapped underneath the cauldron. "Waaaaaaiiitt!!!!", the creature roared as we ventured deeper into the mine and located the spot where we saw the glimmer of light earlier; on the ground was a stone the size of the palm of my hand, swirling with several different colours.

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