Chapter 48: Collecting Clues and Terrible News

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3rd POV

After receiving a request from Headmaster Crowey to investigate the suspicious accidents that happened to 10 people, Dawn, Grim, and Perry made their way to the school infirmary since most of the injured students would be there. The headmaster told them that someone with an injured leg was one of the victims and we could find him there; Perry had hidden inside Dawn's bag so he wouldn't be seen by anyone else on campus.

"The guy who hurt his leg is in here somewhere. Find 'em!", Grim proclaimed as he and Dawn entered the infirmary to find the student. After a bit of looking, they managed to find two students from Heartslabyul; one of them had to be one of the victims since he had a cast wrapped around his leg. "What's with you guys?", asked the injured student.

"Oh! You're those guys from Ramshackle Dorm that were at the Unbirthday Party.", the other student said as he looked at Dawn with a smile. "We've also celebrated your belated birthday as thanks for helping us. We hope you enjoyed it?"

Dawn gave a sweet smile at the boys and said, "Yes, I did. It was a very nice thing coming from everybody at Heartslabyul. Thank you." The two boys lightly blushed at her words as they bashfully looked away; they had to admit her kind words mixed with her smile made them believe she was an angel.

"Oooh, look at how famous we are!", Grim said, he was oblivious that the Heartslabyul students were more focused on Dawn than they were on him. Dawn soon grabbed a chair, sat down next to the victim's bedside, and took out her pen and a notebook. "We would like to hear about how you got injured. Could you tell us what happened?", she asked.

The two Heartslabyul students looked at each other before responding to her question. "I really don't get it either. He and I were just talking... Before I knew it, I'd fallen down the stairs.", the victim said.

"Yeah. It wasn't like he slipped or anything.", his friend said in agreement.

"Almost like my body just kinda left forward... I can't really put it into words well.", the victim added.

"I see. I see.", Grim said.

After finishing writing down her notes, Dawn looked over what the victim stated; something was telling her that this didn't sound like a mere accident. She stood from her seat and smiled at them. "Thank you for your cooperation. Please take care of yourselves and get well soon.", she told them as she and Grim left the infirmary. Shortly after she left, the two Heartslabyul boys were looking on with blushing faces as they sighed.


The two made their way to an unused classroom where two students from Pomefiore were right now; Dawn learned that one of them was another victim who suffered terrible burns on his hands.

Just before Dawn could give a proper introduction, Grim stepped forward and said, "Hey. Hey. You got hurt pretty badly not too long ago, right? Tell us about it."

"And who are you guys exactly?", said the injured student. His friend looked upset at how Grim just asked a question directly without warning and glared at the two. "He is upset that he can't participate in Magift in top condition right now!", he told them.

"I'm sorry. He hasn't learned how to address others properly yet.", Dawn said as she gave a bow.

"How could you be so tactless, throwing salt onto someone's wound like that?", the victim shouted; without warning, he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a white glove and slammed it in front of them. "I challenge you! Pick up the glove!"

"Ffgna! If you want a fight, I'll give it to you!", Grim shouted as he unleashed a fury of fireballs at the two Pomefiore residents. Dawn had to warn Grim to take it easy on them since one of them had a very serious injury. With one last fireball, it made contact with the two students and they were both lying on their backs. "Nyahaha! Score one for the Great Grim!", Grim proudly boasted as he puffed his chest with a wide smirk on his face.

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