Chapter 32: Rising to the Challenge

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3rd POV

After a few minutes, the group explained everything to Crowley regarding Riddle's tyrannical ways of ruling Heartslabyul and how to get him to remove the collars and use magic again. "I see, that's the situation... You're against apologizing to get the collar removed, but you don't feel you can persuade Riddle to let this go without fuss.", said Crowley.

"Yeah, that's about right.", Ace replied.

"So then, if you don't think you can compromise with the dorm leader, you have the option of transferring dormitories. However, your dormitory was chosen for you after the Dark Mirror saw the quality of your soul, so there are quite several troublesome procedures and rituals that are required.", Crowley tells him. Ace processed the idea through his head; the idea of transferring to another dorm sounds tempting, but leaving things as they were would leave a bad taste in his mouth. "Transfer, huh? That makes me feel like I'm just running away, so no thanks.", he answered.

The headmaster nodded his head in understanding and proposed another solution, "Hmmm. How do you feel about applying for a decisive match with Mr. Rosehearts to take his place as Dorm Leader?"

"Eeeeeeeeehhhhhh!!!??", the students shouted in shock and confusion, wondering if their headmaster was speaking in another language for a moment. "Everyone! You're shouting!", he firmly whispered.

"Because you are saying really crazy things, Headmaster.", Ace whispered back.

"It is not crazy in the least. After all, that's how Mr. Rosehearts became Dorm Leader.", Crowley tells him.

"So Riddle earned his position by challenging the previous Dorm Leader in a duel?", Dawn asked. Upon hearing her question, Deuce wondered as well and asked, "Now that you mention it, how are the Dorm Leaders chosen at Night Raven College?"

"We heard that Riddle became Dorm Leader a week after he started school.", said Grim.

"Being nominated by the previous Dorm Leader, winning a decisive match against the current Dorm Leader, and there are many other ways it's decided. A decisive match is one of the more simple solutions.", Crowley explained.

"Isn't using magic to settle personal squabbles prohibited?", Ace asked with doubt. The last thing he wanted was to get in trouble for breaking the rules by using magic. Crowley nodded in agreement but said, "Personal ones, yes. Going through the proper channels with the Headmaster overseeing a decisive match is another thing."

"It's prohibited to place handicaps on your opponent before a decisive match, too. You would be able to get the collar removed without apologizing to Riddle. But...", Trey added, noting the loophole. "All students are given the right to take the role of Dorm Leader the moment they enter this school. What do you say, Mr. Trappola? Will you challenge Mr. Rosehearts?", Crowley asked Ace.

Ace thought for a moment before gaining a determined look in his eyes and boldly said, "Okay. I won't know unless I try."

"Count me in, too.", Deuce said, taking Ace's side.

"Don't forget me!", Grim said. He jumped on the table, looking ready to give Riddle a smackdown for placing this collar around his neck again.

"Grim, unfortunately, students from another dorm cannot issue a challenge.", Crowley said. The moment he heard that Grim almost collapsed on the table, feeling disappointed that he won't get a shot at revenge with Ace and Deuce. "Ffgna!? Then who exactly is gonna take my collar off!?", Grim cried out. Ace gave a small smile to the little monster and said, "I'll order Riddle to take it off if I become Dorm Leader."

Grim pouted and slumped down on the table on his stomach. "Shit. This was gonna be a chance for me to show off my skill...", he said. Dawn giggle lightly and picked him up, she patted his head as a way to console him. Trey was very concerned for Ace and Deuce, he thought a duel would put them in even more harm if they challenged Riddle; he wasn't sure if he'll be able to help them after that. "Are you guys serious? Deuce, I never would have expected this from you.", Trey said.

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