Chapter 9: Making a Discovery

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3rd POV

Dawn and Grim continued their work on the statues on Main street until they finally reached the library; mostly it was Dawn who did the work since Grim was too depressed about their upcoming punishment. They were lucky since they managed to get the cleaning done quickly and efficiently; since they had some time to spare before meeting with Ace at the cafeteria, they decided to go check the library out.

The first time Dawn was in the library, she was running for her life when Grim attacked her, the second was when she was with Crowley when they were trying to find some information regarding her home world.

Grim still in a gloomy mood said, "Why should we clean the windows since it was Ace's fault in the first place?"

"That's enough Grim! This whole incident happened because you both were fighting over something utterly ridiculous!", Dawn chastised the little monster in her arms. "Now we have to do the punishment the headmaster instructed us to make up for the mess we made."

"Fiiineee...", moaned Grim as he and Dawn were exploring the library.

The two of them were quite astonished at the number of books they have in stock, even the one's floating in midair. After looking for a bit Dawn said, "Since we're here, let's see if we can find some books that could help you with your fire magic?"

Grim pondered for a bit, then he said, "I guess that would be better than just cleaning all day." With that, Grim got out of her arms and started to go to one end of the library. "Hey minion, try to find something good in this section while I'll look around there."

"Okay.", Dawn replied., "And stop calling me minion!"

Dawn was looking at each section of the library and the type of books they have from classic literature, history book, and spell books of various kinds; she was very fascinated with what this library had to offer compared to the ones back in her home world.

As Dawn was still wandering around, she heard someone saying, 'Find the book.'

"Huh?", in shock, Dawn turned around to see who said that but saw no one around, not even the school librarian.

"Who's there?", she asked as she thought Grim was playing a prank, but no one responded.

Before she could take another step, she heard, 'Find the book.' This time the voice was louder and clearer in her head and she felt a bit scared.

At that moment, Dawn remembered that at the time she left the library to go to the Ramshackle Dorm, she heard a voice telling her to find a book. 'What is this voice that I'm hearing and why am I hearing it in my head?', she thought about it.

At first, she was overwhelmed by this, but then she decided to take the chance at this; so she asked, "What is this book and how do I find it?"

At her command, the voice told her, 'The key. The key will lead you to what you'll seek.'

'The key?...', Dawn wondered at what the voice meant. Suddenly, she remember the mysterious key that was given to her on her birthday.

Dawn took out her pendant that was hidden underneath her hoodie to see how it will help her find this "book". Suddenly, the key started to illuminate a faint glow on her hands which baffled her.

'Let the light guide you.', said the voice in her head.

Dawn was very confused as to what was going on right now but decided to use her key to find this so-called "book".

As Dawn walked around, she noticed something intriguing; she quickly learned that the glow on her key will shine brighter or dull whenever she walked in a different area, like how a metal detector will beep upon anything metallic.

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