Chapter 51: The Savanaclaw Dorm

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Dawn's POV

We ran as fast as our legs could until we found ourselves at Main Street. Once we stopped running, we finally had a moment to catch our breaths now that were away from the Leech twins. I was still feeling disconcerted from the attempted "hug" by Floyd as I sat down by one of the Great Seven statues; Deuce saw me like this and gave Perry back to me after we were safe and I gave him a big hug and Perry hugged me back. Grim dragged his tired self to where I was and fell flat on his belly. "Huff, huff... That was scary. What's their deal?", he asked in between breaths.

"Don't ask me. They've been that way since last year and I can't handle them.", Riddle answered.

"I'd be afraid of their revenge if I went after them.", Cater stated.

"I agree... Those two are the very last people I would target if I were the culprit.", I said.

"Kyu!", Perry angrily squeaked, I could tell he was still mad at Floyd for being rough with him.

"I wouldn't even try.", said Ace.

Once everybody was calmed from the ordeal, Cater looked at the sky and said, "The sun's gonna start going down soon so let's get to our last "Cater Check" for today." He looked at his phone to see the list of names of potential targets and found the one he was searching for. "Jack Howl from Savanaclaw Dorm. First year. He's super good at anything involving physical activity, and I heard a rumour that he got a flood of invitations from every sports club.", he told us.

"Savanaclaw?", I asked.

"It's late enough, he might already be back at his dorm.", said Deuce.

Riddle put his hand inside his pocket and pulled out a pocket watch and looked at the time. "Aah, it's already 5:00 PM. Laws of the Queen of Hearts, Number 346: "One must not play croquet in the garden after 5:00 PM." I'm going back to the dorm. There are those who break the rules if I take my eyes off of them.", he told us.

"I thought you'd loosen up a bit, but you're still the same as ever.", Grim said bluntly as he gave Riddle a dismissive look.

"Guhh... I thought I had loosened the rules up a lot, like a lot.", Riddle said in a soft tone.

"Hmmhmm. You are much more lenient than before. Your seriousness is one of your good points, Riddle♪. So, good luck, Riddle. ", said Cater as he waved bye to his Dorm Leader.

Before Riddle walked away, I quickly approached him with Perry in my arms. "Riddle. Since you're going back to Heartslabyul, I was wondering if you could hold on to Perry for the time being. I think he needs a break after being ruffed up by Floyd, plus I'm sure he would like to keep Trey company along with you.", I asked, holding out Perry in front of him.

"Would it be alright?", Riddle asked. Soon, Perry jumped from my hands and to Riddle's shoulder and began to nuzzle him with his cheek; Riddle giggled at this and gently stoked Perry's head. I laughed lightly and said, "Seems alright to Perry."

"Very well, I promise to bring him back to you before the day is over. Thank you, Dawn.", Riddle told me with a smile as his cheeks were lightly blushing; now he was heading back to Heartslabyul with Perry on his shoulder.

"Okay, we should get over to Savanaclaw.", Ace said. The rest of us returned to the school building and made our way to the Hall of Mirrors. The Savanaclaw mirror had torches lining up the steps, stones were lined up on the mirror with several bones and skulls, and large scratch marks were etched into the walls around the mirror.

The moment we stepped through the mirror, we were transported to the Savanaclaw Dorm; which resembled the wild plains of Africa. Unlike Heartslabyul which was known for its' beautiful rose gardens, Savanaclaw looked like it was carved and built on a rock formation; giving the dorm a more rural and wild atmosphere. What caught my eye were the bones and skeletons scattered outside the dorm; this gave off more exotic vibes in this dorm.

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