Chapter 20: The Three of Clovers and The Great Seven

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3rd POV

When the group finally got their food, they sat at the nearest empty table they could find. Once they sat down, Dawn presented a chocolate croissant to Ace and an iced latte to Deuce. "Here you go, boys. Just as I promised.", said Dawn as she slide Grim's food to him and took her lunch as well.

"Heehee. Thanks, Dawn.", said Ace with a smile.

"I-I was only joking during that time, but thanks anyway.", Deuce said with a small blush.

"Take it as my way of saying thanks for helping me catch Grim, and for making me feel better from yesterday", Dawn said with a soft smile. Both boys blushed from hearing Dawn said that, they were quite taken aback that they could only nod their heads.

Grim spread his arms out wide and said, "Back to the task at hand! Let's eat!" With a wide smile, he started stuffing his face with the omurice he got and savouring the rich and delectable flavours in his mouth. "On nom nom! Delicious! The egg around the omirice is light, fluffy and the center is filled with gooey cheese!" The others began eating as well; unlike Grim, they took their time with their meals and found the food delicious as well.

"So, we saw what your guys' dorm was this morning, but what are the other dorms like?", Grim asked with food in his mouth.

"You know about the Great Seven statues displayed on Main Street, right? There's seven of them so there are seven dorms.", a familiar voice answered him.

The group blinked in confusion when they heard that voice. They turned and Ace nearly jumped when he recognized that it was Cater who they met this morning; standing next to him was a new person they had never seen before. "Geh! You're the guy from this morning!", he shouted, pointing his finger at Cater. Grim glared daggers at the green-eyed male and said, "You tricked us into painting those roses for you."

"Saying I tricked you is so mean.", Cater said with a playful pout. "I wasn't doing it because I wanted to. It's just how things are done in our dorm."

"You were grinning all the while...", Deuce said with a sigh as he shook his head. Cater let out a good-natured laugh and said, "Now, now, Deucey. Those rules are only for inside the dorm, so now I'm just your kind upperclassman."

'Deucey?' Dawn held her hand to her mouth and attempted not to giggle; she had to admit, it sounded pretty cute for a nickname. Deuce caught her laughing and blushed in embarrassment. "P-Please do not address me so informally, senpai!", he shouted.

The boy next to Cater let out a chuckle and smiled at the four. "Haha. That's how Cater shows affection.", he said.

"Who's the guy next to you?", Ace asked as he and the others looked at the new face next to Cater. He had short green hair and gold eyes. He had a black clover painted under his left eye and wore glasses. He wore the standard-issue uniform complete with dark brown loafers. The older teen gave a kind smile and introduced himself. "Oh, my bad. I'm Trey. Trey Clover. I'm a third year in Heartslabyul like Cater.", he said.

He then turned his sights on Dawn and offered his hand. "And you must be our new female schoolmate. Miss Baldwin? It's nice to meet you. You're the freshmen put in charge of that ramsh-", Trey paused for a moment to clear his throat. "Unused dorm, right?" Dawn smiled back at Trey and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too Trey. My name is Dawn Baldwin.", she said. Trey smiled at her as he took a seat right next to Ace. "I heard from Cater. Sorry about all the trouble these guys from our dorm have caused you."

"I'm sitting right here...", Ace muttered as he scooted a bit away from Trey, feeling a little embarrassed. "Don't worry about it. I was partly responsible as well and they were kind enough to help me.", Dawn said with a light blush. She jumped back when Cater suddenly plops next to her and pulls out his phone, smiling brightly at his juniors. "We should put that aside and makeup. We're in the same after all. Let's all exchange numbers!", he said happily as he gets closer to Dawn. Dawn flinched a bit from how close he was, while Ace and Deuce were now giving cold hard gazes at Cater.

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