Chapter 52: A Not-So Friendly Game

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3rd POV

When everyone heard the voice calling out, they looked over to see who it was and saw that it was the Dorm Leader of Savanaclaw, Leona. The three delinquents acting mighty suddenly went pale at the sight of their lion-eared dorm leader. Standing right beside Leona was the hyena-eared boy with a carefree smile and his hands behind his head.

"Dorm Leader Leona!", one of the delinquents exclaimed.

"These guys are the ones who thoughtlessly encroached on our territory, and that brat attacked me without warning!", said another member as he glared at the group, especially at Dawn.

"We're just gonna rough 'em up a bit! Hehehe!", the other member laughed, looking forward to having some "fun" with them. Ace, Deuce, Cater, and Grim stared down at the trio as they kept Dawn behind them; the look on their faces showed that they would not let these guys touch her again and they'd be sorry if they tried.

The hyena-eared boy saw the girl the Heartslabyul boys were protecting, that moment he felt a sense of deja vu as he wondered where he had seen her before. He also flinched as he imagined the pain his dormmate felt after he and Leona saw that girl's "defensive kick", while his dorm leader looked impressed at how this girl was not as naive as she looked. His eyes soon landed on a certain feline monster and he smiled as he remembered him from the cafeteria. "Aren't y'all the guys I met in the cafeteria?", he said, remembering him along with the girl and two of those Heartslabyul boys.

"Aahh, you! Deluxe minced cutlet sandwich!", Grim shouted, he remembered the face of the thief who stole his special sandwich during lunch. The teen boy was slightly offended by what he heard and said, "Woah woah woah. Don't go around giving people delicious-sounding names. I've got a very manly name, Ruggie Bucchi, y'know."

'Ruggie Bucchi...', Dawn thought as she made a mental note, honestly she thought his name sounded cute more than manly. Leona's eyes soon made contact with her (E/C) eyes, he noticed that she was giving him the same hard stare that she had given him when she first confronted him; a small smirk appeared on his face as he remembered her feistiness. It was soon replaced with a scowl as he remembered what she also did and said, "Ah. Now that I get a good look at you, you're that herbivore that stepped on my tail in the botanical garden."

"WhaaAat!? Dorm Head Leona's tail?", the Savanaclaw resident shouted, his glare intensified after learning what that girl did to his dorm leader. "No forgiving that!", the other one yelled, it was bad enough that he suffered what that bitch did, but now he was even more angry after hearing this.

"I already said sorry about that.", Dawn said, as much as she wanted to lash out at Leona, she didn't want to add more fuel to the fire. The Savanaclaw residents however weren't interested in her apology as one of them said, "Wouldn't need the police if "sorry" fixed everything!" Ruggie soon approached the girl with keen interest as he smiled at her. "Oh yeah. I was wondering where I saw you, it was the botanical garden.", he said.

"That's... true...", was all Dawn could say. Hearing what Ruggie said made her remember that she saw him the first time when she was confronting Leona about harming Grim. Both Ace and Deuce paled with cold sweat as a thought ran through their minds; when Dawn and Grim mentioned their encounter with someone from Savanaclaw and how Dawn nearly picked a fight with them, they connected the dots that the person that Dawn lashed out was the Dorm Leader of Savanaclaw.

"Leona, Ruggie, let's show 'em who's boss!", a Savanaclaw resident shouted as he and his two buddies were cracking their knuckles, ready to teach this girl "a lesson". However, Leona glanced at the girl; even though she was shaking, there was a look in her eyes that told him she wasn't going to back down at all. "Stop barking up a fuss, stupid mutts. What're you gonna do if your fit of violence interferes with the Magift tournament?", he said.

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