Prologue: Before Once Upon a Time....

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3rd POV

Today was officially the last day of summer vacation for Dawn and her best friends Chloe, Sasha, and Emily and they were just walking together after their trip from the ice cream shop; come tomorrow they will be starting their new lives together as students of (H/S/N). While Dawn was excited about starting high school, her friends had other things in mind. (A/N: (H/S/N) means Name of High School.)

"Soooooo...Aren't you excited?", asked Emily.

"About what?", said Dawn.

"Don't tell me you forgot?!?", Emily questioned her with shock.

Dawn had a mischievous grin on her face as she just played being forgetful to her friend. "Sorry Emmie, I really don't know ."

"HaHaHa." Emily sarcastically laughed. "I'm talking about your birthday silly!"

"That's right! Tomorrow, our Dawn Baldwin is going to be 16 years old and we need to get everything ready for your big day!", Sasha shouted with excitement.

"Are we going to celebrate it at your family's restaurant or do you have a special venue in mind already?", asked Chloe.

"You girls.....I'm flattered and all about this, but I just think it's no big deal.", said Dawn honestly.

"NO BIG DEAL!?!?", the three girls shouted in unison; their reactions made Dawn jump a little.

"Didn't you hear what I said earlier, you're going to be 16 tomorrow!"

"A Sweet 16 is a once-in-a-lifetime event for all girls!"

"This is a milestone you need to take pride in!"

Dawn just chucked at her friends' complaints, "Sorry if I'm not as excited as you are, I guess I just see my birthday as any other normal day."

"Oh Dawnie, always being too modest about yourself, even on your special day.", says Emily in disbelief.

All the girls just chucked at this point.

"But seriously, you should be proud that tomorrow is going to be the start of another year with you in it!", said Chloe as she and the girls all grouped up and gave Dawn a big group hug.

"Thanks, girls, I'll keep that in mind.", said Dawn happily. Looking at her watch, she realized that it was getting late.

"I have to get going, my parents need me at the restaurant and I need to get ready for school as well."

"Ugh, don't remind me. I still need to get my shopping done or my Mom will have a fit.", complained Sasha while the others laughed at her misfortune.

"Bye girls, see you tomorrow.", said Dawn as she waved bye to her friends.

"See you tomorrow, Birthday Girl!"


"Happy early Sweet 16!"


Dawn's POV

Shortly after I left my friends, I made my way to (R/N) to see if my parents need any help with the business. (A/N: (R/N) means Restaurant's Name.)

"Mom, I'm here!", I shouted, letting my parents know I just got in.

"Hi Honey.", my Mom said, "Could you be a dear and help your father in the kitchen?"

"No problem."

I went into the kitchen to see my Dad washing a big stack of dirty dishes. I greeted him and kissed him on his cheek as he looked over his shoulders to see me and said hello to me as well.

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