Chapter 27: The Book of the KeyKeeper

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3rd POV

Back at Ramshackle Dorm, Dawn made some soup for Ace, Deuce, and Grim to have as dinner since both boys were staying with her for the time being. She learned from Chubbs, Stretch, and Puffy that they did some food shopping for her and that the stove in the kitchen was still working, so cooking was too much of a hassle for her.

"Here guys.", she said as she presented them bowls of cream of vegetable soup. "There's extra in the pot in case you want more."

"Thank you Dawn.", Deuce said. He and the others began eating their soup as Dawn went to get a bowl for herself. The moment the boys took a bite, they felt like they were eating a bowl of heaven.

"Mmmm! The cream and vegetables are having a party in my mouth right now!", Grim proclaimed as he devoured the soup.

"Man! This is delicious!", Ace said, savouring each bite as he ate in bliss. "Your cooking is out of this world Dawn! Thanks!"

Dawn smiled as she saw them enjoying their soup as she ate while Perry was lying on her shoulder. "Sometimes I help my mom with the cooking at home since my dad does so much at the restaurant.", she explained. Deuce smiled at her and said, "Having parents with a career like that, I'm not surprised by this."

As everyone was enjoying their meals, Dawn was having a nagging feeling in her head. Now that she was having a moment to relax, she felt that she needed to tell them the truth regarding the "incident" back at the Dwarfs' Mines and about what she did, and the book she found yesterday. "Hey, guys... I think I can trust you enough to tell you something important. Can you keep a secret?", she asked.

Ace and Deuce looked at each other, wondering why she would ask this and both boys asked, "What is it, Dawn?"

Dawn took a deep breath and began to speak. "Remember back at the mines when we were attacked by that monster and how we finished it off?" When Ace and Deuce heard that, it jogged their memories about that horrific monster and what they went through, but it also made them remember what Dawn did to help them win the battle.

"That's right! Just before we finished it off, you did some crazy thing to boost our magic!", Ace said. He remembered that Dawn unleashed some weird spheres of light which increased their magic.

"But how did you do that if you don't have any magic?", Deuce asked her.

"Well, I think I was able to do that because of this.", Dawn answered as she took out her necklace from under her uniform and presented the guys with her key pendant. Ace, Deuce, and Grim took a closer look at the pendant in wonder, finding it interesting to their surprise. "Are you trying to tell us that this pendant is the source of what you did?", Ace asked in disbelief.

"It would appear so, but there is more to it.", Dawn answered. "This necklace and pendant were a present given to me on my birthday and when I put it on, I found myself here at Night Raven College inside one the gates."

"So, when is your birthday?", Grim asked.

"September 1st, it was my 16th birthday.", she answered. Ace and Deuce's eyes widened slightly when they heard this and Deuce said, "That's the same day as our orientation and when you and Grim arrived here!" (A/N: I don't know the actual day of the opening ceremony besides the month and that it's before Ace's birthday.)

Dawn was surprised as well but continued with her story. "Well on the day after, right before Grim and I were supposed to meet Ace in the cafeteria, we were in the library looking for some books, when I happened to discover this." She reached into her bag and pulled out a certain book she meant to look over. "Where did you find this book?", Ace asked.

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