Cheat At The Race

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"Alright, racers, start your engines!" Bump Bumperman announced as they all lined up at the starting line.

Cobra glanced at the others and sighed in relief. Zoom smirked, standing beside him as he revved his engine.

"Blaze isn't gonna win this race." he hissed.

"As long as YOU don't with your unfair ways, I'm fine with it." Cobra growled.

"Never say never, dear, Cobra," Zoom cackled.

"Of course you'd say that..." Cobra shook his head as the light flashed green.

They zoomed through the race track, along with the rest of the rest of the racers. They dashed and flipped through the twists and turns. Crusher took the early lead, as per usual. Cobra chuckled and did his best to catch up, as did Zoom, who glanced back at the racers trying to catch up with a smirk.

"Not today, you won't,"

He stopped his tires and began to spin around in a circle so fast that it started to create a tornado of dust. He then skidded to stop, releasing the tornado towards the other racers, who yelped at the sight of the tornado.

"LOOK OUT!" Gabby cried out.

They all tried to escape, but most of them were carried off by the tornado and off the track with a spin. Zoom cackled.

"Guess the only winner in this race would be me, me and me-"

A horn soon echoed through the race track. Blaze and AJ zipped through the track and overtook him, activating their Blazing Speed and speeding to their rival.

"Let's... BLAZE!"

Zoom rolled his eyes and kept on racing. He watched as they sped and stole the lead, much to Crusher's frustration and Cobra's amusement. The purple truck merely chuckled.

"Let's play fire with fire now, shall we?"

His own back opened up, revealing his own pair of boosters. His boosters glowed red, as red as his eyes as he smirked.


His boosters suddenly flashed purple, and he zoomed forward in a flash. He passed Crusher and managed to make it to Blaze's side. The red truck was surprised to see him catch up, even more surprised to see him using boosters as well.

"Wow! You've got boosters too?!"

"That's right!" Zoom prouldy grinned. "And they're faster than yours can ever go!"

"Woah!" AJ gasped. "If you already have boosters, then why do you cheat?"

"Easy," Zoom grabbed the red truck with his tow hook before smirking. "Because I wanna make sure that NO ONE tries to stop me from getting what I want. You and your pathetic driver, included, Blaze."

"Wh-What?" Blaze felt cold sweat drop as he tried to unhook himself.

"Have a nice spin!" Zoom laughed evilly.

He backed up and unhooked his tow so fast that it sent Blaze and AJ spinning all around and off the track. Cobra gasped from the back and shook his head. He drove over to Crusher and grabbed him with his tow hook, much to the dark blue truck's surprise.

"Hey! WHAT THE-?!"

"Crusher, listen to me," Cobra told him. "We CANNOT let Zoom win,"

"Okay, BUT-"

"Just GO!"

Cobra did a spin and unhooked Crusher. The dark blue truck screamed as he was sent up and forward, all the way to the finish line. The yellow truck skidded to a stop for a while then he zoomed off the track to catch up to Blaze, who was still spinning out of control and screaming for help with AJ.


"Hang on, Blaze and AJ!" Cobra yelled after them.

He released his tow and grabbed onto the red truck before skidding his tires. He gritted his teeth as he attempted to stop them from his spinning. His efforts were rewarded as the duo stopped mid-spin but still feeling dizzy.

"Woah-woah..." they shook their heads to try to make themselves less dizzy as Blaze fell on his tires.

"Are you two okay?" Cobra asked, helping the red truck up.

"A little dizzy..." AJ murmured, holding his head. "but otherwise fine,"

"Th-Thanks, Cobra," Blaze said, shaking his head once more to release the dizziness.

"No problem," Cobra smiled and helped the red truck to drive. "Come on, let's get you to Gabby's for a check-up in case you guys got yourselves hurt,"

"Wh-What about Zoom?" AJ asked.

"Yeah, he... he's gonna win," Blaze agreed. "and with dirty cheats like that, he doesn't deserve to win!"

"He won't win, I promise," Cobra assured him with a grin. "I made sure of it,"


"Yes, yes, YES!" Zoom sneered as he neared the finish line. "So close, so close! And with Blaze and his friends out of the race, and Cobra being his goodie-goodie self to save Blaze and AJ from their dilemma, NO ONE would be able to stop me from winning! MWUHAHAHAHA!"

Just as he was about to cross the finish line, screaming could be heard from a few miles away, causing him to grow confused.

"What the?"

He glanced around but found no one by his sides. He was about to ask who the hell was screaming when a big shadow towered over him, and he looked up with a gasp.


He skidded to a stop to not hey hit. He then snarled as he watched a screaming Crusher spin-fly towards the finish line. He landed on the ground, still spinning as he crossed the finish line, prompting the crowd to cheer.

"And Crusher WINS!"

"I... I won?" Crusher, still dizzy, forced himself up to his feet, shaking the dizziness away as he received the trophy. "Ooh! I DID win! Yippee!"

"Congratulations, Crusher!" Pickle zipped over with a beaming smile. "You won!"

"He did, indeed..." Zoom gritted his teeth, glaring at the dark blue truck before turning away towards the pits. "And I know EXACTLY who to blame..."

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