Surprises 3

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"Hey, guys!" Blaze greeted as the group made it to the park in the middle of their picnic. "How was the race?"

"Harsh and risky, but we made it!" Darington beamed, slumping to hug the red truck. "And we won too!"

"That's great!" Crusher sighed in relief.

"Yeah!" Pickle laughed. "You should have seen Dynama's face! She was all red in rage! It was so hilarious!"

"It's a good thing you taught us how to get past her cheats," Stripes sighed in relief as well as he smiled. "Thanks, Crusher,"

"No problem," Crusher returned the smile.

"Anyway, Cobra called for us to meet at the garage," Gabby told them. "He said that he found someone that might be of help when it comes to Dynama,"

"Really?" Blaze's eyes widened. "Alright then. Let's go!"

They all zoomed off towards the garage, where Chili was waiting for them. The red-gold truck glanced over at them and smiled.

"Ah, good, you guys are here," he motioned them to come in. "Come on, before Dynama or Calvin see you,"

"What's going on, Chili?" Blaze asked.

"You'll see," is all Chili responded as he led the group inside.

They all exchanged glances before heading after the red-gold truck. They soon made it to where Zoom and Cobra were standing as they turned towards them.

"Hey, guys!" Cobra greeted. "You're finally here!"

"What's going on, Cobra?" Pickle asked.

"Guess who we found knocked out in front of your family apartment, Blaze?" Zoom chuckled.

The family looked confused until the purple truck and the yellow truck parted to reveal Glacier unconscious on a bed, looking badly beaten up as he bled out oil and blood. They were all taken back, with Crusher more shocked and horrified as he drove forward.

"Wh-What happened?! How…?!"

"After she failed on killing you, Dynama took it all out on Glacier and left him unconscious on that alley way," Cobra explained.

"But that was a week ago!" Flame gasped.

"Gaskets!" Blaze hissed. "Did Dynama leave him knocked out for a whole week?!"

"Yes, he did," Cobra sighed. "He's in a coma. We need some help on repairing him, Gabby, we need help figuring out how to talk sense into him and make him our ally,"

"I can help repairing him," Gabby offered, hopping out of Watts's driver seat.

"Great!" Cobra beamed.

"Wait, did you just ask if we could TALK SENSE into HIM?!" Stripes's jaw dropped.

"HIM WHO HAD TRIED TO KILL US A WEEK AGO?!" Starla yelled out.

"Eh, Cobra sees a lot of good in people," Zoom shrugged.

"Also, he didn't try to kill us," Crusher corrected. "He told you all to stay out of his way, so he could kill ME, and ME alone,"

"Glacier still try to kill Crusher, though," Zeg pointed out.

"Not the first time, and unlike Dynama, he has some sense into him, more than she gives him credit for," Crusher told them. "Out of the two of them, he might just be easier to talk to than Dynama,"

"Do you really believe in him that much, Crusher?" AJ asked.

"I… I do," Crusher sighed. "Glacier is… different from Dynama. She loves to watch the world burn. He… He has a soft side. We just need to get through him…"

"I hope you're right, Crusher," Darington sighed.

"And that's all the repairs!" Gabby exclaimed as she fixed up Glacier's pipe.

"How about his coma?" Starla asked.

"He should be fine," Gabby assured them. "but how are we going to find his soft side?"

"Do you have any ideas, Crusher?" Watts asked.

"Hmm…" Crusher thought for a while. "Well, Grammy might now. When she doesn't visit, she usually stays at the mansion and watches over Dynama and Glacier,"

"So maybe she knows about Glacier's soft side?" Pickle guessed.

"Yes," Crusher nodded and brought out his phone. "I'll call her,"

"And in the meantime, we'll watch over Glacier in case he wakes up," Blaze told them.

"He'll be up in two days tops with how much repairs I gave him," Gabby said. "but just in case, we need to get him to the hospital,"

"We already did, and the doctor said that with some repairs, he'd be all ready to go," Cobra spoke.

"So now all we have to do is wait," Chili added with a nod.


The train stopped the station with a slight skid. Calvin and Dynama waited in front as the train doors opened to reveal a coal black monster machine with silver swirls all over her hood and sides.

"Calvin. Dynama."

"Hello, mother," Dynama smirked. "Glad you could make it,"

"Indeed," Krisha grinned before looking around. "But… where is Glacier?"

"Coward brother of mine couldn't kill Dynamite even when she was right in front of him," Dynama huffed. "So I beat him up and left him for dead,"

"You did?" Krisha cackled. "Very good, daughter. THAT is how cowards are dealt with correctly. Good to know that you're using everything that I've taught you,"

"Of course, Mom, what else would I use?" Dynama sneered.


"This isn't good," the pale green monster machine stared at the crystal ball in front of her with a hiss.

"What isn't good?" the snowy white monster machine drove towards his twin sister. "Something with Cobra?"

"Yes… and no," the first one sighed. "Remember that mission he told us about before he started to build the interdimensional portal?"

"Yes, Libra, I remember," the second nodded. "Is he in trouble?"

"You know it, Tundra," Libra gave another sigh as she kept her crystal ball. "Come on, we need to help out little brother before those bad guys get to him first,"

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