Surprises 1

129 1 4

It had been a week since Crusher and Pickle had moved in with Blaze and his family.

Crusher had started to become more open to them. He had slowly started to accept that Blaze and AJ were his brothers. He had also started to accept Flame as his father. Accepting Sparkle as a sister was very easy, with how adorable and accepting she was.

It was only Phoenix he had yet to accept because she was technically his step-mother, and he's had enough experiences when it comes to step-parents, so he's really uncomfortable at times.

Phoenix didn't mind it. She was very understanding and allowed the dark blue truck to adjust to her. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she trusted him to know when to trust her at the right time.

But what they didn't know is a certain truck is plotting to ruin their life, little by little…

Along with some help…


"Howdy, fellas!" Starla greeted as Blaze, AJ, Crusher and Pickle entered the Monster Dome.

"Hey, guys!" Blaze greeted back as they all gathered at Gabby's pit.

"How was the week?" Stripes asked.

"Eventful…" Crusher chuckled. "Where's Cobra, Zoom and Chili?"

"They went off to get someone, I think," Gabby replied. "Something about another mission,"

"Well, I guess they're gonna miss the race today, huh?" AJ hummed in thought.

"I know this might sound selfish, but I'm kinda glad," Darington grimaced. "Zoom's cheats are worse than Crusher's,"

"Wow, offense," Crusher hissed.

"True tho,"

"Dont worry, Darington, we all didn't like Zoom's cheat," Watts reassured the stunt truck.

"Well, at least the next race won't have any cheats!" Starla grinned before glaring at Crusher. "Right, Crusher?"

"Right, right," Crusher chuckled and rolled his eyes. "I'm, uh, actually not racing today,"

"WHAT?!" Everyone's jaws dropped.

"I'm not racing either," Blaze smiled and nodded.

"Why, B?" Darington asked.

"Crusher, AJ and I were just gonna go hang out with the rest of the family," Blaze answered.

"Oh, Crusher accept family already?" Zeg looked surprised.

"Yeah…" Crusher grimaced. "Well, except for Ms. Phoenix…"

"You haven't accepted Ms. Phoenix as your mom?" Watts questioned.

Crusher shook his head and looked away in shame. Blaze gave him a reassuring look before turning to their friends.

"Its okay if Crusher doesn't accept Mom yet," he told them. "He needs time. It's only be a week, after all,"

"Fair enough," Starla sighed in defeat.

"Besides, I… I don't have good experience when it comes to step-parents…" Crusher sighed. "Especially since—"

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

Crusher stiffened at the familiar voice behind him. They all turned to see a dark indigo monster machine with lightning marks from his sides to his hood. His coal black eyes loomed over them as he smirked.

"Dynamite… what a coincidence to see you here,"

"M-Mr. Calvin…" Crusher gulped and hid behind Blaze and Pickle.

"Ah, good to know your place." Calvin cackled.

"So… you're Crusher's step-father…" Blaze narrowed his eyes at the newcomer.

"Indeed, he is." Pickle scowled, ready to take out his bat.

"Ah, little cucumber, I see that you're as small and green as before," Calvin huffed.

"I AM A PICKLE!" Pickle yelled out.

"What are you doing here in the Monster Dome?" AJ questioned.

"I am here to sponsor a race," Calvin proudly spoke. "And it looks like you are all racing this race, so I would like to say… good luck… coming on last place to my daughter! BWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"DYNAMA IS IN THE RACE?!" Crusher shrieked.

"Yes, she will be," Calvin smirked. "And she will make sure all of you will know your places."

With that, he turned away and huffed, head up and proud. Blaze sighed.

"Dont worry, Crusher, since you aren't racing, there's no need to be frightened,"

"Thats… not what I'm afraid of," Crusher shuddered. "Dynama's here… she… she'll do anything to kill anyone out of the race…"

"W-Wait, kill…?" Darington gulped.

"Jeepers!" Starla hissed. "Do ya fellas think she'll try to do something to us?"

"Most likely," Crusher nodded.

"What do we do?" Stripes asked. "Should we all back down?"

"If we do then we're just going to prove Dynama and Mr. Calvin right!" Watts cried out.

"Watts is right, we shouldn't just back down because of fright," Gabby agreed.

"Hmm…" Crusher gave a thought before sighing. "Well, if you guys want, I could give you all tips about how to pass her cheats,"

"Really?" Darington lit up. "That would be awesome, Crusher!"

"Okay, okay…" Crusher took a deep breath and took out a list. "Okay, first cheat is this…"

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