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"CRUSHER!" Pickle cheered as they all met back up at the garage.

The dark blue truck winced as he cowered at the corner of the garage. They were all taken back by the sudden reaction, all except Pickle, who frowned in concern, and Cobra, who sighed.

"How long has he been like this?"

"For a few minutes now," Sparkle let out a sigh. "He won't leave the corner,"

"What did Zoom do to him even?" Darington asked.

"Chained and gagged him with a cloth," Cobra shook his head with a hiss.

"Yikes, that's cruel!" Starla hissed.

"Is he okay, though?" Stripes asked as Pickle slowly approached the dark blue truck to comfort him.

"He just... it's not the first time he's been through this," Cobra admitted with a sigh.

"What do you mean, Cobra?" Blaze asked. "And how would you know?"

"I told you all that I've researched this world before getting here," Cobra explained. "But I don't know if Crusher would let me tell you. It IS his past, after all,"

Pickle nodded and whispered something to
Crusher. The dark blue truck looked hesitant but nodded anyway, allowing the green truck to hold him before turning to the yellow truck with a nod.

"Okay, thanks, Pickle," Cobra smiled and turned back to the others. "Alright, since he's allowing me to, I'll tell you,"

He took a deep breath then he began to tell the tale;

"When Crusher was younger, he… wasn't born a guy. In fact, he was born a girl, with the name of Dynamite. Unlike his other siblings, however, his father wasn't theirs since his mother had cheated on him for a guy she drugged. His father was still a mystery while he grew up abused because of his gender and his status as a half-sibling and step-child to the family. He was chained to the basement and abused since birth,"

"Since when now?!" Darington's jaw dropped.

"How could his mom let this happen to him?!" Watts yelled out.

"His mother never cared for him," Cobra sighed. "Neither of the family did. He was stuck in that life until his Grammy got him in custody and helped him escape his hell of a life, but the trauma still stuck to him, even know, that's why he reacted that way,"

"Oh my…" Blaze hissed, feeling guilty.

"I can't believe his parents would do something like that," AJ commented.

"If you know them well, you'd know that this isn't even the lowest thing they've done to him," Pickle shook his head.

"Unlike what you guys think, it's not that likely that he'd revert back to being good in a second," Cobra added. "He just came from that and was hurt badly,"

"We had no idea," Gabby said with a frown. "Poor Crusher…"

"Wait, Cobra say that Crusher was good turn bad?" Zeg questioned.

"Yes… what of it?" Cobra slowly nodded.

"If Crusher good to bad, that mean… Cobra bad to good…?"

"…" Cobra was left speechless for a moment before sighing. "Yes, Zeg, that's true,"

Everyone gasped in surprise. Even Crusher glanced up at his counterpart in shock.

"You… what?!"

"Yes, it's true," Cobra sighed and gave a sad smile. "Alright, let me tell you all my tale,"

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