The Twins' Hatred 2

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"Okay, new plan!" Libra grinned, throwing away the broken microphone she failed to make. "We kidnap Dynama,"

"What?" Tundra stared at his sister in disbelief. "Are you okay, Libra?"

"I'm getting tired AND no Dynama, no problem!" Libra shrugged.

"There's no way I'm swaying you from this, is there?"

"Nope!" Libra giggled and grabbed her rope. "Come on!"

"Oh boy, oh boy…" Tundra sighed and followed after his sister.


"Crusher, can you call Glacier and Speedrick for dinner?" Phoenix asked.

"Okay, Ms. Phoenix," Crusher nodded and drove off to the basement.

As he left, Flame sighed and held his wife close. "On the bright side, he doesn't grumble when you tell him to do something anymore,"

"Yes, that's a progress," Phoenix laughed.

"Give him some more time, Phoenix, and I'm sure he'll be calling you 'Mom' pretty soon," Flame told her.

"I don't mind if he never does," Phoenix sighed. "As long as he feels at home here, with you, Blaze, Sparkle and AJ, I'm fine with it,"

"Are you sure, honey?" Flame frowned. "I just don't like seeing him or you look so uncomfortable when it's only you two alone in the apartment,"

"I'm fine, really," Phoenix assured him. "And you can't blame him for not adjusting easily. Calvin was a horrible step father to him. I still need to prove my worth to him, that's all,"

"Well, if you say so…" Flame sighed and smiled.


"Glacy, time to wake up," Speedrick nudged the icy blue truck. "It's dinner time,"

"Mm…" Glacier yawned and held him closer. "I'm not hungry…"

"Yes, you are, because I sure am," Speedrick chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Come on, Glacy…"

"No," Glacier groaned and shook his head.

"Fine, fine…" Speedrick sighed. "Is it because you don't want to face THEM, huh?"

Just as he said that, Crusher was already making his way down the basement. The question made him pause before peeking to watch and listen to the duo.

"…yes," Glacier sighed and glanced up at the white truck. "I really don't want to face them,"

"Please explain," Speedrick raised an eyebrow. "Why do you hate lightning boy so much?"

"…He was born a girl," Glacier admitted. "Her name was Dynamite. I never wanted a sister, already sick of Dynama's company and treating me like trash when no one sees us. I didn't want to be treated the same way by her, so I beat her to it and made her life as miserable as Dynama did to me. Another thing I hated is because she was never fully my sister. Mom and Dad always said that blood was important, and that if you weren't biologically related to someone, they aren't family,"

"Thats BS, Glacy," Speedrick frowned. "Even I know that,"

"Eh, I followed through their advice when I was a kid," Glacier sighed with a shrug. "They yelled out how Dynamite was never part of the family. Even Mom hated her and wanted her dead,"

Crusher grimaced at the memory of the past. Speedrick let out a sigh.

"But what did you think of Dynamite, gender aside?"

"I… I never got to know her," Glacier gave another shrug. "I was so caught up in my bias that I never got a chance to get to know my little sister,"

"And you still won't give him a chance when you don't even know of him?" Speedrick raised an eyebrow.

"…" Glacier didn't answer for a moment before sighing. "How did you like him?"

"Eh, talked to him, even when harassing him, and he's a likable guy," Speedrick shrugged. "You should give him a chance, Glacy. Knowing your family could get you a better ally and sibling than Dynama,"

"I… I don't know…" Glacier grimaced. "I don't think he'll even give me a chance…"

"I would…" the duo turned in surprise to see Crusher drive forward. "if you gave ME a chance,"

"Crusher." Glacier stiffened. "How… How much did you hear…?"

"All of it," Crusher sighed. "You know, I'd give you a chance if you let me, but you don't, and I always have to defend myself from you,"

"I… I didn't want to before," Glacier sighed. "but after you left, the family began to hurt ME, and I… I should have realized how much hit you've taken for me. If you never came, I would've gotten abused instead of you,"

"Yeesh, that's rough," Crusher winced. "They… Did they make you sleep chained to the basement?"

"Excuse me WHAT?!" Speedrick looked horrified. "What kind of family do you have?!"

"No, but Father threatened to do just that if I didn't stop reading your books," Glacier sighed, ignoring his lover's outburst. "I… I kinda found them interesting, even after you left,"

"Glacier…" Crusher shook his head and sighed. "Are blood and gender the only reason why you hate me so much?"

"…Also with Grammy, and how much attention she gave you," Glacier admitted with a sigh. "Unlike Dynama, who hated you to the core because of your actual existence and couldn't care less for what Grammy said, I… I did. I cared for what Grammy said, and I'm always jealous with the attention you got from her. No one… No one ever cared for me, until I met Speedrick,"

"I did," Crusher folded his tires. "I cared for you. Hoped that you would change once I could show you that I cared for you. For years, I thought I could get through to you and make you care for me like how I did for you. But… after what happened with Steve and Kevin, I… I lost hope,"

"Wait, who the hell are Steve and Kevin?" Speedrick questioned.

"My… best friends…" Glacier grimaced. "They… They work for Dynama to be my best friends, honestly,"

"Oh," Speedrick slowly nodded.

"Anyway, did you really… care for me?" Glacier stared at the dark blue truck in disbelief. "Even at times when I hurt you?"

"I was naive enough to, but yes," Crusher gave a nod. "I… I still do. It's stupid, I know, but I want to have hope that maybe… maybe my family have a bit of love for me,"

"I…" Glacier gulped, the tears beginning to roll down his cheeks without his consent. "Oh god, I'm so sorry… I…"

He soon broke down into tears, his tires trying to wipe them and failing. Crusher was starting to break down himself as he drove forward and enveloped his brother into a hug. Glacier was taken back, but he accepted the hug anyway.

Speedrick watched the brothers embrace each other in tears. He sighed.

"Damn, Cobra's good at this. Like, REALLY good at this, how does he do it…?"

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