Crusher's Origins

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Everyone stared at the older yellow truck in shock. Cobra was the only one who wasn't fazed and nodded.

"Took you a while to realize it, huh?"

"Mom, WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Blaze yelled out.

"Okay, let us explain," Phoenix sighed.

"It all started a few days after Blaze was born," Flame started. "My job had gotten pretty bad, so I headed off for something to drink and ease my mind. When I did… Krisha found me,"

"Who's Krisha?" Sparkle asked.

"She… was an old friend of ours," Flame replied with a sigh. "And… Crusher's mother, apparently. She had tricked me into drinking, and she had placed a drug to drug me. I didn't even know what she had done until I woke up in her room, with no memory of the previous night whatsoever,"

"But how?" Phoenix turned to Cobra. "Krisha said that she had killed their child and aborted it before it was even born,"

"You believed her?" Cobra raised an eyebrow. "Why? There's nothing she's said that's true,"

"Do you know the rest of this story, Cobra?" AJ asked.

"I do," Cobra nodded. "As I said, Crusher was abused as a child. Krisha never wanted… her, but if she aborted her, she herself would have died, so she just went along with the labor, but neglected her anyway,"

"Why couldn't she have given Crusher to Dad?" Sparkle asked.

"Because she didn't want any of them to be happy and grow up happy together and proceeded to let Crusher be abused," Cobra sighed.

"That woman is simply cruel!" Phoenix snarled. "And I thought that she would be as friendly as she was at high school,"

"People change, I suppose," Flame sighed.

"But why take everything out on Crusher when he was just a kid?" Darington questioned.

"Crusher was born yellow, thus she looked like Flame in the past," Cobra explained. "Krisha despised her for that, and still does even when she turned into a boy, still seeing Flame in his place even with the color change,"

"That's horrible!" Gabby cried out.

"I can't believe Krisha would do that…" Flame hissed. "Not only did she keep me from raising my… child from her, but she also abused him! How could she?!"

"The abuse was Calvin's idea," Cobra answered. "She neglected him, and let Calvin abuse her as much as he could, with chains and everything,"

"But back to the main idea," Starla spoke up. "Now that we know that Mr. Flame is Crusher's dad, what now?"

Cobra wanted to answer, but couldn't as he heard something fall. He glanced at his side and gulped to see Crusher at the end of the street, eyes wide in horror. He gulped.

"Maybe… start by catching Crusher before he faints…?"


The group turned to see Crusher frozen nearby. Pickle was near and looked just as shocked as he stared at them with wide eyes.

"Mr. Flame is… CRUSHER'S DAD?!?"

"Oh boy…" Watts let out a hiss.

"Pickle, Crusher… let us explain," Blaze told them.

Crusher didn't bother to wait. He turned and sped off as fast as he can.

"Crusher, WAIT—!"

"Blaze, wait," Cobra held him back. "If you speed along, he'll never listen to you. I'll give it a go," He then turned to Flame. "As for YOU, you need to remember what you have to do as Crusher's FATHER,"

"Oh… right," Flame gave it a moment to sink in before he realized. "OH! Oh my, I… I forgot that I… oh dear,"

"Dont worry, Flame, I'll he'll you out," Phoenix reassured him.

"Wait, does that mean Crusher's OUR BROTHER?!" Sparkle gasped.

"You guys are a little late in reaction," Cobra sighed and face-palmed before he drove off to follow after his counterpart.


"Oh, isn't this a surprise?" Zoom smirked as he watched everything unfold from above a building. "That lightning boy's father is that yellow freak. I guess I can see the resemblance…"

He took out his blaster and chuckled. "Well, let's see if this family can get through like they say they were,"

He aimed the blaster towards the group and gave a shot. The blast hit Darington, who yelped before feeling himself begin to disappear.

"Woah!" he gasped before reaching out to his boyfriend. "BLAZE…!"

"DARRY?!?" Blaze turned and gasped asthe stunt truck began to disappear. "OH NO! What's happening?!"

"I…!" Before Darington could say anything, he disappeared from where he stood.

"NO!" Blaze's eyes widened in horror. "DARRY!"

"BLAZE!" Stripes, Pickle and Starla yelled as they were hit and began to disappear.

"WOAH!" Gabby screamed as she, Watts and Zeg were hit as well.

"OH NO!" Sparkle backed up against Phoenix and Flame.

"Who would do this?!" AJ cried.


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