Power And Belief 2

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"COBRA!" Chili sighed in relief as he watched the yellow truck step into the room. "You're okay!"

"AND YOU ESCAPED?!" Zoom's jaw dropped. "HOW?!?"

"I just did," Cobra chuckled, his whole flashing with lightning. "With some electric help, of course,"

"Of course…" Zoom grumbled. "Where's Crusher?"

"Right here!" Crusher drove forward, by Cobra's side as he glowed bright red.

"Oh and using your Sun power? How brilliant," Zoom rolled his eyes. "That ONE POWER that no one bothered to care about or control. Great, just perfect,"

"Don't listen to him," Cobra told him. "Just follow the plan, okay?"

"Okay," Crusher nodded.

He took a deep breath and used his sun magic, his lightning marks turning red instead of normal blue as he glowed. From his chassis bag, out came scraps compiling themselves to create giant robots of yellow and red. Zoom cackled.

"Do you REALLY think ROBOTS are going to scare ME?!"

He pressed a button nearby, and out came more dangerous-looking robots, with eyes of red while it's skin were silver and purple as they made their way to the two. Crusher concentrated harder, eyes shutting as he commanded the robots to after and fight the opposing force.

Meanwhile, Cobra snuck back and made his way to the dark cages. He used his lightning abilities to spark the cages, causing them to open up and break into bits.

"Zeg and friends free!" Zeg cheered.

"You guys did it!" Darington beamed. "That WAS AWESOME!"

"But it's not over yet." Chili spoke up, firm as he took out a gun. "We still got a couple of robots to get rid of,"

"I CAN HELP! I CAN HELP!" Pickle offered, taking out a bat from out of nowhere.

"O~kay, maybe we're not as different as I thought we'd be," Chili chuckled and motioned him to follow. "Come on! This way!"

"Lets all help!" Watts cried out.

"Yeah!" Gabby cheered in agreement before they all zoomed after their friends.

Cobra chuckled as he watched them take their leave to fight. His eyes soon wandered to Blaze, who had his eyes on Crusher worriedly.

"Something wrong, Blaze?"

"Its just… I know he can handle it, but…" Blaze gave a hiss. "I… I don't know anymore, Cobra, I…"

"Hey," Cobra patted his shoulder in comfort. "Crusher can handle it  Believe in him,"

"Oh, I do believe in him," Blaze shook his head. "I believe that he can do anything he places his mind into, but I guess I'm just worried how HE is feeling right now. I mean, with the whole truth and all…"

"Let's, uh, not focus on that right now," Cobra told him. "Let's focus on the most important stuff right now, which is taking down Zoom ONCE and for all!"

"Good idea," Blaze nodded and smiled. "Let's do this!"

They emerged into battle, ready to help Crusher fight the robots. The dark blue truck, on the other hand, was holding out as much as he could, using all of his magic to keep the robots in tact.

Zoom chuckled and noticed the other struggling. He smirked and took out one of his sword before swinging it over Crusher's head. Pickle gasped.


He grabbed the sword from Chili's belt and swung it towards the purple truck to deflect the sword. He growled at the villain, who scoffed.

"You acting tough, puny truck?"

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