Attempted Hostage

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"She did WHAT TO YOU?!" Calvin yelled out with a snarl.

"She STABBED ME!" Krisha snarled. "The NERVE of that woman! Argh! Where is Dynama?!"

"She never showed up at breakfast," Calvin sighed. "Perhaps she was captured?"

"Argh, I CAN NEVER count on any of my pesky children, now, can I?" Krisha shook her head. "Very well. I'll have to do this my own way then."

"And how is that when Dynama had our plan?" Calvin questioned.

"Simple; a little kidnapping," Krisha smirked. "And I think I know just who to kidnap,"


"Done and done!" Cobra beamed as he checked off the things from the checklist. "Yay! Just a little more, and we're done with our mission!"

"Thank goodness!" Zoom sighed in relief.

"I'm gonna get something to eat," Chili offered, turning away. "You guys want anything?"

"Some cotton candy?" Cobra asked.

"Liquor! Lots of it!" Zoom grinned.

"Cotton candy and a juice box, got it," Chili nodded and drove off.

"HEY! I WANT ALCOHOL!" Zoom yelled before zooming after the red-gold truck.

Cobra laughed as he watched the two drive off. He turned back to the checklist and hummed in thought.

"Hmm… the Dynama problem is the only thing we need…"

As he did, he failed to see two figured sneak into the garage with a blaster in each of their tires. They aimed the blaster at him, but when they shot, it his the wall near Cobra, causing him to stiffen.

"Uh oh…"

He turned around and gasped.

"K-Krisha?! Calvin?!"

"So… you're that brat that claims to be Crusher's alternate self…" Krisha hissed.

"Stay back!" Cobra took out a sword to face them.

"Do you REALLY think we'd be afraid of a sword?" Calvin scoffed. "How pathetic."

He started to morph into his dragon form before launching himself at Cobra. The yellow truck screamed as he was grabbed and carried up into the clouds.

"Aw, man, I hate being the damsel in distress…" he grumbled but took a deep breath and yelled anyway. "ZOOM! CHILI! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPP!"


From the ground, the duo gasped to see the yellow truck being carried off by the dragon. Krisha laughed cruelly.

"Ha! You'll never get him back now!"

With that, she transformed into her own dragon form and flew up after her husband, up into the clouds and over the city.

Cobra sighed as he felt his body light up electric blue. He soon summoned a lightning so strong that it fried Calvin's wing.


Calvin yelled as he was hit. This caused him to let go, which made Cobra fall.


They yellow truck screamed as he fell at top speed. Krisha attempted to grab him, but lightning shot her wing too.


Cobra watched as the two dragons fell to the ground. He sighed in relief before realizing that he himself was also falling down at top speed.




"Did anyone hear that?" Starla asked as the friends drove through the park.

"It's Cobra!" Darington pointed up. "And he's falling! Fast!"

"Someone has to catch him!" Stripes cried.

"Has to catch who?" Blaze asked as he, AJ, Glacier, Speedrick and Crusher drove towards their friends.

"COBRA'S FALLING!" Watts cried out.

"WHAT?!" Crusher cried out.

"We'll catch him!" Glacier claimed. "Come on, Crusher,"

Crusher nodded. The brothers shifted into their dragon forms before flying up into the sky. They flew towards Cobra, who was panicking so much that more lightning shot out towards them. Glacier hissed as a lightning shot almost got him, causing him to roar out.


"I'M TRYING!" Cobra yelled out.

"I GOT HIM!" Crusher zipped towards his reverse self as fast as he could. "Wait, if I can turn into a dragon then so can you!"

"I… I can't!" Cobra shook his head. "I… I was never taught how!"

"Oh seriously?" Crusher sighed and nodded.

He quickly grabbed his reverse self and swung him to his back. Cobra sighed in relief and held onto his back as Crusher and Glacier flew back down.

"Cobra!" Zoom and Chili zoomed towards the group as the dragons landed. "YOU'RE SAFE!"

"What happened, you two?" Gabby asked.

"It was Krisha and Calvin!" Cobra cried, jumping off his reverse self's back. "They tried to kidnap me and hold me hostage!"

"Just them?" Zoom raised an eyebrow. "No Dynama?"

"Didnt see her," Cobra told him.

"That's… weird," Crusher frowned as he and Glacier shifted back into their truck forms. "Dynama never lets Mom and Dad do all the dirty work unless it's an emergency,"

"Then where is Dynama?" Blaze wondered.

"We can answer that!"

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