Getting Closer 1

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"And here is the apartment!" Phoenix announced as they entered the place.

"Wow!" Pickle squealed. "This place is SO ROOMY!"

"Thank you, Pickle," Flame chuckled. "And since you wanted to stay at the attic…"

He pulled on a cord hanging from the ceiling, and out came a long, foldable ramp. Pickle cheered and zoomed inside, dragging all his luggage with him. Crusher giggled as he watched the other head to his new room.

"Now, time to show you to your new room," Phoenix told the dark blue truck.

"Right," Crusher nodded and followed after her and her husband.

They headed through the halls, with the dark blue truck seeing every picture of Blaze, Sparkle and AJ on the walls. He sighed and turned away from the pictures.

Phoenix didn't avoid noticing this and nudged Flame. Flame jumped a bit, but when his wife motioned to the dark blue truck, he sighed and nodded in understanding.

They soon reached the spare room, and Phoenix opened the door. The room had a plain wall with one bed that Crusher knew he could fit in. There was desk near the bed, with an empty picture frame on it while a closet of white was placed at the other end of the room.

"I know it's not much, but you can fix it up in whatever way you like," Phoenix spoke with a smile.

"Erm, thanks, but I… I don't think we'll be staying long, so I won't do much change to the room," Crusher said as he entered the room. "Thank you for the room,"

"Your welcome," Flame smiled. "Oh, and if you need anything, you can call us,"

"…" Crusher slowly nodded and headed to the bed. "I… I need some rest,"

"O-Oh, okay," Flame was taken back by the dismissal and nodded. "Um, dinner is at 6, alright?"

Crusher nodded, still having his back turned on them as he laid on the bed and laid his head down. Phoenix patted her husband's head comfortingly before motioning for them to leave. As soon as the door was shut, Crusher sighed and buried his head under his pillow.

How could Cobra make this decision for him? Sure, it was for the greater good and for his and Pickle's safety, but he wasn't ready to face them.

Definitely not ready to face his blood father or his family.

Especially now that he knew that his biggest rivals were actually his brothers.

It was all too much.

Too much for him to handle all at once.

And he didn't know if could handle it at all.


"Yay! Dinner!" Pickle cheered and licked his lips as he made his way down to the dining room.

"Well, neither of us have really eaten, so I guess it's understandable how hungry you are, Pickle," Blaze laughed heartily as the green truck made his way to the table.

"Hey, where's Crusher?" Sparkle asked.

"Probably still in his room," Pickle guessed with a shrug. "I'll go get him!"

"Maybe I'll go get him," Blaze offered.

"Are you sure, Blaze?" AJ asked with a frown. "He's still adjusting,"

"I know, but I wanna make sure he's okay," Blaze told him before turning to leave.

He headed to the halls and drove through it swiftly. He soon made it to the room and knocked on the door.

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