Cobra's Real Mission

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"What is it?" Starla questioned, eyes narrowed at the yellow truck.

"I… may have lied," Cobra gulped, driving behind Zoom and Chili. "About… a lot of things,"

"Like what?" Stripes growled.

"Like… how we got here," Cobra admitted. "The truth is… Zoom and I came here for a mission, and that was to reunite Crusher with his blood father and his family and stop Dynama with whatever plan she had,"

"Why didn't you just tell us?" Watts asked.

"Eh, I had other plans," Zoom laughed mockingly. "I liked causing a little chaos every now and then,"

"But our real mission was to get Crusher united with his father's side of the family, and Zoom gave a ticket to do just that, so eh, I guess it works fine," Chili shrugged.

"You underestimated me? How harsh," Zoom huffed.

"So all of this is not an accident?" AJ wondered. "You guys purposely came here?"

"Yes," the trio nodded.

"Then why did you have to lie to us?!" Stripes cried out.

"Because we needed to keep the mission subtle, but… well…" Cobra hissed. "It didn't really work out well…"

"But why?" Crusher asked. "Why mess with my life?"

"It started off months ago," Cobra explained. "I was beginning to experiment on portals to other worlds, but at that time, it was only for fun and for research. We soon found your world, which gave an interesting backstory of Crusher,"

"And that intrigued you to come and help us out?" Blaze guessed.

"Yes," Cobra nodded. "I saw what Krisha did to your father, Blaze, and was so shocked to realize Dynamite and Crusher were the same person,"

"Speaking of, Blaze is older than Crusher," Chili pointed out.

"He IS?!" Crusher screeched.

"I AM?!" Blaze himself looked shocked.

"Yes," Phoenix nodded in confirmation. "You were with me as a baby when your father was hurt by Krisha,"

"So I have another little brother…"


"How sad," Glacier chuckled.

"To Sparkle and AJ, you are, if it makes you feel any better," Zoom rolled his eyes.

"… a little better, yes,"

"Anyway," Cobra cleared his throat. "I also saw how Crusher and Blaze battled, despite being half-related, and it pained me to see a family separated like that,"

"So you decided to help them out?" Starla raised an eyebrow. "Still doesn't explain why you had to lie to us,"

"We already told you that it had to be subtle, or it would never have worked," Cobra explained again. "If we told you our true purpose, Crusher would have ran away. If we told everything straight forward, neither of you would have believed it until you do a DNA test,"

"In other words, we had to make sure our plan worked, or else we could've time traveled back and started again and damage more of the timeline," Chili clarified.

"And a damage timeline has consequences," Zoom shuddered. "There's a High Commander named Shitsu who's in charge of all the alternate timelines and worlds, and if we didn't follow his rules, we'd be dead meat,"

"Okay, okay, I guess that's understandable," Blaze gave a nod.

"And now, that mission is over, dealing with Dynama is your next mission?" Speedrick questioned.

"Yep," Cobra nodded. "And get her redeemed!"

"Cob, she is NOT redeemable!" Chili yelled out.

"Hey, hey, cut him slack, Chili," Zoom defended, wrapping a tire around the yellow truck. "He sees the good in all. Let him believe she's redeemable,"

"Thanks, Zoom," Cobra smiled with a light blush.

Zoom gave the red-gold truck a smug grin, which made Chili growl.

"I don't think she can be redeemable either," Crusher sighed. "She's targeted me for years now,"

"Shh, let him believe what he wants to believe," Zoom told him. "Besides, if I, the most powerful and evil assassin in my world, can be redeemed thanks to Cobra, then I'm sure Dynama wouldn't be a problem,"

"But what exactly can I help with?" Glacier questioned. "Dynama is stronger than me,"

"YOU have to help Crusher with his lightning magic," Cobra pointed out. "You know, the one you and Dynama removed and left him with inventing magic instead,"

"…Fair enough," Glacier sighed.

"Do you think that would be enough?" Crusher asked.

"No, but it's worth a try," Cobra offered a smile.

"And it's worth a start," Blaze agreed.

"Sorry for lying, by the way," Cobra spoke with a sigh.

"Still wished that you could've said something in the first place, but okay, we forgive you," Watts smiled. "Right, guys?"

They all nodded in agreement. Cobra smiled.

"Thanks, guys," he then took out a long piece of paper. "You guys wanna see the rest of my plan?"

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